ARC225 - व्याख्यान द्वारा व्याख्यान मतदान - व्याख्यान 11 ममलुक्स 1

यो आजको व्याख्यानको बारेमा एक छिटो मतदान हो। यसको उद्देश्य तपाईंलाई कुन भागले आकर्षित गर्यो र कुनले गरेन भनेर जान्नु हो ताकि निरन्तर सुधार गर्न सकियोस्।

यसमा 2 मिनेट लाग्ने छैन। धन्यवाद

ARC225 - व्याख्यान द्वारा व्याख्यान मतदान - व्याख्यान 11 ममलुक्स 1
प्रश्नावलीका परिणाम केवल प्रश्नावलीका लेखकलाई उपलब्ध छन्

Please evaluate the following

I think the Lecture was very interesting
I think Multimedia use was very related
I think the Activities were entertaining
I think the Activities were useful
I could probably say I understood more than 90%
I could probably say I understood more than 80%
I could probably say I understood more than 70%
I didn't enjoy the lecture
I would like to learn more about this topic
I didn't understand a lot
I was bored sleeping in the lecture

Which parts of THIS lecture you liked most?

In one sentence make a suggestion to make this lecture more exciting

Final comments and thoughts