Factors influencing shadow economy in Nigeria

Dear Respondent,

Thanks for accepting to complete this questionnaire.

Onaolapo Olumide Emmanuel, Bachelors degree student in Mykolas Romeris University, Faculty of Economics and Business, is conducting a research on “Factors Affecting Shadow Economy In Nigeria” in completing this questionnaire, you will help to identify the factors affecting Shadow economy in Nigeria from the consumers point of view. Your participation in this research is confidential; answers to the questions will be analyzed in summary form and used for the preparation of Bachelors thesis.

Thank You for the time and agreeing to participate in the survey!

1. How old are you?

2. What’s your gender?

3. What’s your marital status?

2.1. Factors influencing participation in shadow economy in Nigeria. Please evaluate statements according to Likert scale, where 1 – completely disagree; 5 – completely agree.

2.2. Factors influencing participation in shadow economy in Nigeria.

2.3 Factors influencing participation in shadow economy in Nigeria

2.4. Factors influencing participation in shadow economy in Nigeria.

3. The recommendation to lower the participation in the shadow economy: Please provide at least 3 measures, which could be the most effective minimizing the participation of shadow economy:

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