خداحافظۍ اوپرا؟

که تاسو بدل شئ: ستاسو د اوپرا لپاره خداحافظۍ پیغام

  1. re-think the major bookmark use case: as private markers for infrequently accessed resources, there is absolutely no need to download the web page to display a thumbnail either initially or regularly on a timed update.
  2. thanks for a brilliant browser. thanks for superb innovation, adding features that other browsers have copied. sorry that too many core browser features were stripped out in opera 15.
  3. opera was the best browser...
  4. get better soon :-*
  5. the reason i use opera over any other browser is because it is configurable enough to let me do what i want a browser to do, out of the box. that's what differentiated opera from other browsers. if opera is just going to imitate another browser, there's no reason to use it in the first place (i have endured enough compatibility troubles with opera, being forced to switch to firefox at my job because the js i need to debug simply doesn't work on opera at all). i understand that you want to move on with the times and adapt to new ways of looking at the role of the browser, but remember that to survive, you must differentiate yourself. what made me choose opera years ago was (1) speed (2) stability (3) customizability -- i get to control cookie preferences, edit per-site cookie preferences, per-site javascript preferences, set minimum font size, etc. if none of these will be configurable, then opera has no added value to me; i might as well go back to firefox and get better site compatibility.
  6. opera was the best.
  7. you reached your current position by being unique and allowing users to customize your browser while having integrated features with a small footprint. you held a small percentage of all online users, and i can't believe you discarded everything to follow a giant corporation's idea of how a renderer/program should operate. this is the most disappointed i've ever been in a company/product change.
  8. goodbye opera, i will miss you, like i missed netscape! <3
  9. i sympathize with you opera developers, as it's not your fault: incompetent upper management has hindered your product.
  10. who the hell are the other guys going to steal ideas from now?
  11. thanks for all the fish.
  12. you've buried the greatest browser. everything that made opera what it was has been cut away. so ask yourself: for which users are you making your browser? for power users? they will wander off to a more customizable browser. for newbies? they will go for the original (chrome), not the imitation.
  13. r.i.p. opera
  14. opera until v12 was the best browser, but now it's barely a bad chromium clone. :(
  15. change your ceo.
  16. i understand the change to the new engine, feel it was a good decision and feel how opera 15 works much better and faster. however - please, please try to keep the spirit of what opera used to be with all its functions. cheers!
  17. you were the best browser with the best engine. and that's why your market share was so low; people are too stupid to use the best things.
  18. you killed my favorite browser! i've used it since 2001!
  19. opera 12 is opera. opera 15 is a new browser, a reset: this is not opera, only a simple chromium fork :(
  20. i don't want to have to switch, opera was perfect, there's nothing i could replace it with. but i fear opera may now lose much of what made it so perfect, too ;_;
  21. save opera. "opera 15" is not opera.
  22. i used opera because its features were important to me. if i switch, it will likely be to firefox and only because it has extensions that somewhat mirror the functionality i had in opera for 12 years (without extensions)...
  23. if opera is based on chromium, it should have all the combined features of both browsers. or at least all the special features of opera along with the features of chromium. i am not sure why the features of chromium were removed (bookmarks, search engine options, etc.). if only very minimal opera features are going to be there, i would rather use chromium or comodo dragon as my main browsers, which of course i am currently using as alternative browsers. thanks.
  24. in fact, i don't know what to do?! i don't want to switch. i'll keep my current 12.15 for as long as possible. i hope you guys listen to your fanbase and reincorporate the most wanted features of your old and beloved opera (mail, bookmarks, customized searches, etc.) you're not politicians, you can change your opinion!! so, don't be ignorant! cheers.
  25. come to your senses!
  26. opera is not what it was, nor does it seem to be headed that way. dollars have replaced interest in a better browsing experience, and the employees still at opera [especially haavard] seem to get very testy when confronted with reasonable questions in a fair manner, without vitriol and profanity. there is very little communication from them on the developer blog, which is, ostensibly, its purpose. in short, for something "built from scratch" why does it look so much like chrome, to even the most casual user. why lie about it? you are copying chrome and ripping out features at first to make it appear that actual work is continuing. if that were not the case, the download would not be so huge. it is clear that the original programmers are gone, and a team of junior programmers have taken over, else why would so many mistakes have been repeated throughout the development of revision 12? this same degree of incompetence is continuing with revision 15, as it appears that the programming team cannot cut and paste from the chromium code very well. why should anyone use this, when it is easier, and more productive to simply download chrome, if that is the experience they desire?
  27. i'm most likely not going to switch, since the ux on other browsers is just so bad. opera can't really get worse than that, even with missing so-called "must-have" features.
  28. i'm so sorry, opera team. i love the presto-based opera, but you are breaking down this engine and following google; i hate google!
  29. what is wrong with you people?
  30. i understand that operaasa is a commercial company and its reason for being is to make a profit.
  31. was this really necessary?
  32. you really messed up this time!
  33. thanks for a good time all these years. though it's a shame if this is really what you think your users want. rebuild what we know as opera around the new engine and many will be happy. if you have nothing to differentiate ... you don’t get any market share.
  34. the reason to use opera, its features, is gone :(
  35. opera is now not unique enough, that's a big problem for me, no bookmarks. no notes. no zoom bar. no wand. no advanced settings. no opera.config. at the moment you can't generate new users and can't also keep the opera-fans. we all can use chrome, the google-browser has a ton of cool add-ons and it has bookmarks! at the moment opera is just a castrated version of chrome.
  36. now with opera 15, it's your chance. please, don't make a chrome-like browser and listen to your users.
  37. shame.
  38. i would like to switch back to opera if it becomes usable again.
  39. it was fun while it lasted.
  40. i don't think i'll be switching, but i'm in no hurry to upgrade.
  41. it was a great journey with opera, and i still can't believe you did this and aren't going to re-add the important features. i still can't find a browser with even 60% of the features that opera 11 and 12 had, so it will be a long time for me, whatever i choose. also, i can't even think of a reason why you guys are doing this. if it's because of the popularity of chrome and firefox and you wish to have the same by just releasing a chrome-like browser, well, not only will you not attract new users, you'll also lose at least 80% of your users who have been loyal for years. you should know that you can't possibly compete with them in terms of user count; you would be better off sticking to the things that made opera the only choice by far for most of your fans. me and most of your users, i presume, there is no browser out there for us except opera, so don't take it away from us.
  42. can you please bring back all opera 12 features?
  43. if everyone abandons opera, it's entirely your fault and you know it. thank you, chrome-wannabe!
  44. opera 12 (in terms of features) with a webkit/blink renderer would be a superior browser compared to anything else.
  45. i want the latest opera (12.15 features) + webkit (blink)
  46. why did you go through all this trouble? you could have just made an official opera theme for chromium because that's exactly what you did now. sellouts.
  47. opera has been the only browser for me since i initially switched in 2006. no other browser compared in terms of giving me the freedom to customize and control my online experience. mouse gestures (many including scrolling through tabs are sadly missing), link (which i understand will be added later), smooth scrolling, and many more are the features that have cemented me as an opera only user. no other browser that i have tried (internet explorer, firefox, chrome, safari, and others) ever came close to allowing me to quickly and easily navigate multiple tabs, use the search engine(s) i wanted, and generally put me in control of my online experience. in short, if i wanted to use chrome, i would be a chrome user. i am not, nor do i wish to be a chrome user, i do not want a dumbed-down, over-simplified browsing experience, i want the freedom and control that opera has constantly granted its users. thank you for 7 years of very enjoyable browsing. i will check back to see if you incorporate what originally made me fall in love with opera in future versions. however for now i will be going back to 12.5 while i experiment with other browsers that will hopefully give me an experience similar to the one opera 12.5 does.
  48. that's sad to switch to another browser...
  49. beloved browser and friend, you'll be missed. rest in peace.
  50. presto might not have been the best engine, and i became used to pages behaving somewhat oddly in opera in the last few years (even though opera was great in 2000-2010). what made opera my favorite browser was the ui. speed dial, custom stylesheets, tab stacks, private tabs, opera invented a lot of features that are still missing from other browsers. remove them and i'll have to switch. there's nothing appealing in "yet another webkit browser."
  51. opera invented mouse gestures. i used opera because it was the first browser with tab bars. every evolution was great. you're the mail client with views which is really, really great. it's the first time you remove features. panels (search in grouped windows via keywords, link page, downloads access, notes...) and integrated mail are mandatory for me. i tried many browsers, only opera had everything i wanted. now i'm orphaned. thanks for all these great years nonetheless.
  52. you're no longer making the opera browser, so stop pretending and just close the shop.
  53. i will come back as soon as you catch up again. i have faith in you.
  54. r.i.p. - rest in peace
  55. you lost your way after opera 11. opera 12 is a buggy crashing browser that should have never been released. i will not use a browser without bookmarks, and i will not use a browser you cannot customize. we do not need another chrome clone.
  56. screw you for killing the best browser there was.
  57. thank you for everything, it's been nice navigating with you.
  58. please don't disable all the features.
  59. it's very bad!
  60. 请提供您希望翻译的文本。
  61. thanks for all the years...
  62. goodbye. you tried to make chrome, but the real chrome is better. m2 was the most important feature for me.
  63. i want a customizable interface! for example: i want to place my tabs down, near the windows start menu, as i have done since 2006, because it's convenient. i couldn't do this in any other browser, only in opera. and where is it? you will force your users to switch to other browsers or stay on old versions of opera. you've ruined it! and i don't care if it's alpha or not, you're saying that you will not fulfill our requests.
  64. thank you for the great user experience, unmatched by others.
  65. it was a nice decade of my life.
  66. i told opera 3 months ago that this would happen. and as usual, they never listen. they never will listen. bye-bye opera, and good luck on your gooenglishious fantasy.
  67. it's been a pleasure using your web browser and i hope that it will someday be as it once was.
  68. i'll be sad :'(
  69. i don't want to switch, but come on, no bookmarks? no notes? no sessions? why the heck is there that gigantic google search box, which expands for almost the entire width of my 17'' screen? you created an almost perfect browser and now spoiled everything...
  70. ; (
  71. in 1997, i switched from netscape to opera 2 because of its advanced features like saved sessions and mdi page management. it's unbelievable that over 15 years later, i'm considering switching to firefox because opera now lacks even basic browser features that i take for granted. what i love most about opera is that i can make it my browser, customizing it to meet my needs and preferences, rather than being stuck with a set layout and design. on my laptop, it's incredibly minimalistic, with even the tab bar turned off completely (i use ctrl+tab to switch between pages), while on my desktop, i fully utilize all of opera's toolbars and panels, with powerful features like the filterable windows panel enhancing my ability to manage multiple tabs. i particularly value opera's unique mdi features and the power and flexibility they bring to browsing. all of this is gone in opera 15. absolutely everything i liked about the browser has been removed, and i can no longer see any reason to use it. with firefox extensions for tiling tabs, better tab management, a sidebar, session management, etc., firefox actually offers a more opera 12-like experience than opera 15 does. but even with all of that, firefox is still a downgrade from the classic opera browser that's now being abandoned. it's a real shame to see that happen.
  72. it has been a nice run, but if i ever want a chrome-like browser, i will use chrome... not opera without a side panel and key features.
  73. oh well, it was good to know.
  74. i have so long advocated opera for all the features that are now gone. goodbye opera, rip.
  75. by... by...
  76. you too, brutus?
  77. opera, you've lost the plot. you've turned into what i feared most: a cheap copy of chromium. gone is everything--and i mean everything--that made opera...well, opera. the current opera next build is not even a shadow of what opera once was. it's just chromium with a big silver o painted on it and bookmarks stripped out. sad indeed.
  78. you had a great browser and it seems that you are about to ruin it.
  79. it's really a shame you decided to throw uniqueness out the window to make your product easier to market for idiots.
  80. why? t_t
  81. if you're going to become a chrome ripoff, i might as well use the actual chrome browser.
  82. you were unique and powerful, and i loved you so much :(
  83. you can either compete with google, mozilla, apple, and microsoft—all striving for as much market share as possible—and disappear, or you can stick to what made you exceptional—being the browser for power users by delivering all these great features mentioned above—and maintain a small but loyal community.
  84. goodbye
  85. thanks.
  86. it was a very comfortable and productive 13 years of browsing for me. you did a lot of building and customizing work for me, and now i have to tune firefox by myself.
  87. sad to lose this nice customization and fast browser.
  88. resistance is not futile. especially now that the html5 specs are almost final and hopefully everything on the www will be standard compliant; so that rendering problems will be only the engine's fault. to throw everything in the trash and just design a ui is funny to say the least considering a company with almost 1000 employees. i thought it would be only the engine and js. then the entire thing is just replaced?! the car analogy would be to not manufacture the car, just buy something stock and customize it; that is not manufacturing.
  89. thanks for the memories, but i prefer not to have google cataloging my entire internet experience.
  90. so disappointed, i chose opera for all it offered but it isn't opera anymore. i don't need another chrome clone, what's the point?
  91. i thought i would leave because of your memory usage. not because you disregarded my experience.
  92. bye
  93. goodbye!
  94. sad.
  95. make me regret leaving.
  96. it seems to be a sign of the times that various companies turn quality products into cheap, poorly made items suitable for monkeys. it's very sad to see opera joining that trend, likely to its own detriment.
  97. middle finger
  98. you killed your child.
  99. miss you :(
  100. anyone creates their own destiny, and everything comes to an end.