خداحافظۍ اوپرا؟

که تاسو بدل شئ: ستاسو د اوپرا لپاره خداحافظۍ پیغام

  1. nothing
  2. welcome back with a bang.
  3. all the best
  4. none
  5. opera 15 and next is your worst decision. waiting for new upgrades to opera 12.16 :)
  6. enjoy your bankruptcy.
  7. please don't let presto die. give it a second life by setting it free and making it open source.
  8. 请提供您希望翻译的文本。
  9. i understand why this had to happen, but i would have preferred to see the whole thing open-sourced and the company closed down.
  10. you have chosen the wrong direction and i feel sorry for that. too bad that the choice has been made to abandon presto and kill my opera. after all these years, it feels like a good friend is no longer a friend. opera, thanks for all the years you were the best!!! also, thanks for providing the space on my opera. good luck for the future.
  11. you can attract more users by supporting minority groups like linux users and adding more customization features. for example, chrome on linux is deeply flawed for watching videos. on linux, i can happily use opera 12.xx, which is much faster than firefox and less resource-intensive. if the switch to webkit removes any advantages opera has over chrome, i have no reason to use it. you might as well go home, opera developers.
  12. you just threw away almost all the nice things i loved in opera, and that made it so unique and special. now i see no point in using it anymore. there are better alternatives out there. thanks for having been the best browsing experience all these years and good luck.
  13. why?
  14. please!! bring back the security with the saved passwords! i hate not being able to save my website passwords because they are visible with a few clicks in settings! -> be able to resize the speed dial; -> tab stacking -> mail client i understand this was a major update and opera is fast, stable (not like chrome), and i like it, but there are still things that i (/we, opera users in general) miss from the old opera, and the old opera was different from any other browser! that was what most of the opera users liked about it! thank you for reading this, i hope that this becomes possible in the near future! :d diogo filipe
  15. opera was totally ad-free, opera was customizable, i'll check from time to time how opera works in case you change your way.
  16. please don't change.
  17. :(
  18. "can't believe you, opera. disappointed." tyrone, sunnyvale trailer park
  19. i see no reason to abandon presto; it was fine for me. i use the speed dial shortcuts to navigate, and without this, i might as well use ie. thanks a lot for the great browser while it existed!
  20. offff
  21. what’s the point of having another clone of chrome if i can just install chrome?
  22. please look back at opera version 9.x to see what a good browser is like. and if opera wants to become one of the best browsers again, update the current opera versions with the necessary features!!!
  23. please fire the people that made opera 15; they will destroy your company. i have been using opera for more than 10 years, and i love the variety of customization and the deep configuration that i can achieve. i love the bar at the bottom with the zoom in and out feature using the mouse. i love the file downloader that can resume, has its own tab, and is so organized. i love the search bar that is right next to the www bar. please don't kill the interface of opera 12.16; just make it more compatible with flash. it would be a great disappointment after all these years to have to switch browsers. a big fan from greece who is using opera and only opera, even if most programs want to install chrome or safari, even if i have to use internet explorer for some content that opera can't support... please don't kill the only browser that i respect and have used for so many years...
  24. please do not die.
  25. i knew that something like this was going to happen eventually after 9.5's unnecessary aesthetic "upgrades," but i never expected it to be this bad.
  26. so long and thanks for all the fish
  27. thanks for all the fish. i'll stick with the last stable 12 version until the internet no longer works in it.
  28. opera 15 follows the trend of simplifying the internet. i do not.
  29. what the hell happened to the ctrl+1, ctrl+2, etc. controls? they were one of the main reasons i used opera.
  30. thank you for delivering the best possible browsing experience for over 10 years! and thank you very much for supporting freebsd!
  31. please keep your uniqueness and don't rely too much on google... and please consider a windows phone version!
  32. goodbye...
  33. i'm sorry.
  34. it was the greatest experience i've had surfing the internet with you until version 12.16, opera. it was almost the only browser for professionals and geeks! now goodbye and good luck with a bunch of idiots who use a browser only for facebook and twitter (if they will come from their beloved chrome). take care...
  35. opera 15 is terrible.
  36. it's really a nice capitalistic move - basically, all opera users have no choice but to switch to any type of chrome (seamonkey? too bulky, slow, and lacks usability, keyboard shortcuts for emacs users, and gestures, grouping. firefox? same, but without built-in mail & irc. midori, reconq? they are just a ui for webkit). and then people say that, unlike socialism, capitalism provides an opportunity to satisfy all people's needs. essentially, it does not. but it does create a problem, which you can see just by briefly looking at society, where its only purpose is money and goods. and not only society as a whole. i'd suggest someone clone code from some internal git/svn servers by hacking - there doesn't seem to be an alternative to opera, and it's very unlikely that opera software will give real opera to oss, since that would make their market share much smaller.
  37. :(
  38. damn you!
  39. too many glitches in the last few years; version 15 doesn't even have bookmark capability. i don't need to visually see my bookmarks, nor do i want everyone else in the world to see them.
  40. opera had implemented zooming better than other browsers, it was nice to have built-in mouse gestures, and i used to tell people, use opera and you don't have to bother chasing addons to make it work, it's got all you need out of the box. i can't do that anymore. but the killer omission is displaying cached images only. without the option to display only cached images, opera is pointless.
  41. can't really say "farewell," as i will not abandon hope for opera unless the company gets dissolved and the codebase gets deleted.
  42. i am not going to switch; i am going to wait for features like bookmarks, links, site preferences, and tab management. when these features are implemented, i will start using opera as my main browser again.
  43. i think opera was the best browser of all time, but i don't like opera 15 at all.
  44. extensions programmed by hobbyists will never, ever replace the smooth, fast, easy-to-use, and most importantly, integrated features that were once a basic part of using opera. and screw you if you think otherwise.
  45. i'll stay with opera 12 until it works.
  46. my dear opera, you have been much more than computer software to me. you have been a friend for the last 9 years. you've been my browsing companion and (apart from the old days of ie6), almost exclusively the only browser i've trusted to see the web through - there are thousands of things that i have come to know only through you. you were there when i was first learning computer programming, when i created my first email, when i found out i got into university, when i applied my registration forms, when i searched to see whether i had passed the exams, when i started buying things online, when i created my first social network profiles, when i tested my first web pages, when i first exchanged messages with people that changed my life. sure, any browser could have done all these, but you did them for me, and that's important in my book. you've been a great friend. and you've always kept and synchronized faithfully and transparently my bookmarks, my crazy notes, my numerous customized search strings. you've always kept me months (to say the least) ahead of people using other browsers. in this age where so many things happen in the cloud with a web interface, you've practically been my os-within-the-os (and you've been a mighty good one). when old live messenger wouldn't initiate file transfers, i could ask you to fire up a web server and send files through it - seriously, how cool was that? you've allowed me to customize everything about you, to have every option i found important at my fingertips, no matter how trivial or sophisticated. your tools have allowed me to debug some of the most crazy javascript situations. you've been a great partner. i could say so much more, but let's not get carried away from what's important - and what's important is that i want to thank you, buddy, from the bottom of my heart, for these 9 years of an amazing internet experience.
  47. you made me do this.
  48. also "must have": opera:cache version 15 has killed opera
  49. why do you do this?
  50. could have been so good together...
  51. i'm very disappointed and a little bitter at how i feel power user fans of opera have been abandoned... but it's not really "new", it's just a worse level of abandonment now than ever before, and so it's time to find something else. thanks for the memories, and i hope you're successful in your other ventures... i may very well find myself using opera mobile in the future, but i don't expect to ever bother taking another look at the desktop app post v15. i simply won't trust you not to get me excited or even somewhat dependent about a feature, only to then take it away. boo....
  52. goodbye and thanks for all the fish.
  53. i understand that opera needs to modernize the browser, but making it so basic and stripping it of its unique features is a terrible mistake.
  54. i wish i could be back. farewell.
  55. why opera, whyyy!!!
  56. thanks for the memories.
  57. it was the very best browser for years for my needs. thank you so much, presto team. i hope to meet you again.
  58. bye bye. era un excelente navegador. ya no lo es.
  59. hurry back!
  60. alas, poor opera, i knew you well.
  61. bookmarks and panel (with notes) are 100% deal breakers for me. if you're trying to change people's behavior with the bookmarks thing, i think that's an office ribbon / windows 8 start button / gnome 3 type thing to do. people are going to really hate you for it. it's not worth it.
  62. we don't know yet what user data opera collects and what user data opera sends to advertising partners like google, amazon, and others.
  63. keep all the adjustments currently in 12.16.
  64. i will be a bit disappointed; i know that whatever i end up using won't be as good as opera 12. some of these "must-have" features that my entire online experience is built around, i'm not quite sure how i'm going to manage!
  65. it's a shame to lose the most customizable and feature-rich browser in the world :-(
  66. dnf
  67. don't make the coca-cola mistake.
  68. this better not be like the whole new coke thing where you ruin your browser for a few months only to bring opera 12 back later on as opera classic just to drum up a larger user base.
  69. you were the best and the leader...you have now become a copycat and follower.
  70. such a sad state of affairs
  71. you removed mail integration, that was all that was keeping me with opera!
  72. opera button!!!
  73. <spit>
  74. rest in peace.
  75. please guys, erasing notes, rss, mail, bookmark management, newsgroups, gestures... and calling it an "upgrade" is not funny. these were the features why so many people are using opera.
  76. goodbye my lover.
  77. get rid of that opera 15, the only good thing about it is its speed -- nothing else. a browser without bookmarks? what the f**k are you thinking? this is just another chrome skin named opera 15.
  78. 14 years of love just can't end this way, i'll stick with 12.15 for now and use ff for unsupported sites.
  79. farewell, opera. you were the best browser i've ever had.
  80. you had the very best browser but you ruined it. why?!
  81. waiting for real opera 15!!
  82. i've already switched on my new computer. opera 12 is incompatible with windows blinds for windows 8 and is extremely buggy on my win 8 pro new desktop computer. i still use opera as my default browser on my older xp pro desktop machine. i have been using opera (although not always as the default browser) since version 4. opera has always had the finest bookmark system of all browsers of all time. that is what kept me with it and the great configurability which was the best of all the browsers. with those gone, fx is better in most respects, but fx has a lousy bookmark system compared to opera. i have a huge number of bookmarks with considerable complexity many folders deep and i will greatly miss opera's outstanding bookmark system.
  83. in these days, good is what marketing says it is. the foolish are becoming more foolish, and the intelligent suffer. your decision on opera is merely a symptom of that and is not surprising at all. it is understood that you are pressured by the trend of dumbing down, whether directly or indirectly. one imagines that in your case it was indirect; a company needs profit to survive. one hopes that opera 12 is at least open-sourced, thereby giving hope to those who can recognize quality and appreciate it.
  84. thank you for all the great years i could use this awesome internet suite. i'm sad and upset to see the program going in the direction it currently does, but i can't see myself using it any longer if this keeps going. i will probably use opera 12 while it's still up to date and secure enough, but opera 15 is not even remotely an option for me right now. goodbye, i'll miss presto!
  85. very sad to have to do this, but it certainly appears that opera is targeting a different market than what it has. that may be good for opera in the long run, but bad for people who really enjoyed what used to be the best browsing experience.
  86. i have already switched. the new opera is no longer "my" opera, the one i fell in love with so many years ago: it looks like a clone of other browsers, not the radically different software that was such a joy to use.
  87. removing features that defined your user base is a big mistake!
  88. see you.
  89. i do not want to switch! i love using opera, and it's bad enough that we're losing presto and along with that the small footprint of opera, but some features like integrated m2, the possibility to customize toolbars with extra search boxes (etc.), saving sessions, as well as the advanced bookmark manager, are absolutely essential for me in opera and without all of those features, there would be little reason for me to use opera instead of chrome, especially since opera switched to chromium. if opera goes minimalistic like chrome and firefox, and excludes most or all of the advanced integrated features that made opera great, then there is no longer a reason to use opera for me. please don't make me switch.
  90. goodbye opera
  91. i don't switch: opera 15 is switched to chrome, and i keep opera 12 for the time being.
  92. i can't understand opera managers. you must be completely incompetent if you don't understand what gives you that 1% of browser market share. the poll clearly states that 99% of users were using opera for over 3 years. they need all the features they used to!
  93. goodbye, opera.
  94. it was a nice run. i hope this move gets you in with the popular crowd like you want. but remember you have burned your friends over this. not sure if we will be in any ways forgiving.
  95. stripping opera of everything that made it useful is not the way to give people "the best internet experience."
  96. you were awesome, innovative, and the fact that you went so long without conforming to a norm was admirable. i am very saddened to see it come to this.
  97. it's okay that you feel your render engine isn't up to the task of where you want to head in the future, but please keep all the great features of the current version 12 and just change the rendering engine. i would imagine this is possible to do. desktop and mobile are not the same, and i am tired of people telling us that they are one and the same. why do developers feel they need to write for the less tech-savvy people? it's not like the features get in the way of people who don't use them. i, for one, don't use every feature of opera, and none of those that i do not use get in my way at all. they are there for me to use and try if i want to. it seems like an odd way to cut off the fan base you do have. i guess your hope is that new people will replace the old ones that don't stay. the funny part is you made the browser what it is today, but you want to kill that legacy. it reminds me of musicians not wanting to play their old songs that made them famous and got them fans.
  98. you used to be a trendsetter, now you're just a follower.
  99. wake uuuuuuuuup!!
  100. fubar, welcome to the dark side opera. so long, and thanks for all the fish.