د ښار انځور د سړک هنر له لارې جوړ شوی

زما نوم مونيکا دی، زه په ویلنیوس ګیدیمیناس تخنیکي پوهنتون کې د اړیکو زده کړه کوم. زه د سړک هنر په اړه د خپل لیسانس تیزس لیکم چې د ویلنیوس ښار انځور اړیکو لپاره یوه وسیله ده. زه د بهرنیو لیدونکو / زده کوونکو / دایمي اوسیدونکو نظرونه د سړک هنر، د ویلنیوس ښار موجوده انځور او داسې نورو په اړه دلچسپي لرم.

د ښار انځور د سړک هنر له لارې جوړ شوی
د سروې پایلې یوازې د سروې لیکوال ته موجودې دي

Home country and city ✪

City you live in / visited in Lithuania ✪

What kind of emotions do you feel seeing this painting? ✪

Painting on a restaurant Keulė Rūkė wall in Vilnius city
What kind of emotions do you feel seeing this painting?

What kind of emotions do you feel looking at this painting? ✪

Painting on a wall in Vilnius, Pylimo street 56
What kind of emotions do you feel looking at this painting?

What do you think about this kind of street art? ✪

Painting in Vilnius taxi park, it says "in the future every building will be world-famous for fifteen minutes"
What do you think about this kind of street art?

What is street art? ✪

What is your personal opinion about street art? ✪

Have you ever planned your route around Vilnius to see street art? ✪

Do you ever change your route in your city to see street art? ✪

What do you think about Vilnius city when you see streets like this? ✪

restaurant Keulė Rūkė and Vilnius Street Art Festival 2015 paintings in Vilnius
What do you think about Vilnius city when you see streets like this?

Do you take pictures of / selfies with street art? ✪

If yes, could you send them to my email: [email protected]

What is your opinion about Vilnius city image now? ✪

Your age ✪

Gender ✪