د کورنۍ تشدد سره د کورنۍ په کچه څوک تر ټولو زیات مخامخ شوی دی؟

موږ څنګه کولی شو د کورنۍ تشدد مخه ونیسو؟

  1. give more freedom to women.
  2. family abuse can be reduced primarily by seeking legal assistance. one can also seek help from ngos.
  3. a relationship should be only between people who are mature enough to cope with their partner. and the chemistry between them should be great.
  4. by ensuring that everyone's rights are well developed
  5. by conducting programs such as moral values, the art of living, and incorporating subjects related to relationships in academic education, etc.
  6. the only thing that can be done to curb family violence is to have a great level of understanding between family members.
  7. through better education of human rights and strict and swift enforcement of laws.
  8. counseling
  9. anyone can help stop domestic violence by taking these steps: call the police if you see or hear evidence of domestic violence. speak out publicly against domestic violence. for example, if you hear a joke about beating your spouse, let that person know you aren't ok with that kind of humor. maintain a healthy, respectful romantic relationship as a model for your children and others. refer your neighbor, co-worker, friend, or family member to a domestic violence outreach organization if you suspect he or she is being abused. consider reaching out to your neighbor, co-worker, friend, or family member that you believe is being abusive by talking to him or her about your concerns. educate others on domestic violence by inviting a speaker from your local domestic violence organization to present at your religious or professional organization, civic or volunteer group, workplace, or school. encourage your neighborhood watch or block association to watch for domestic violence as well as burglaries and other crimes. donate to domestic violence counseling programs and shelters. be especially vigilant about domestic violence during the stressful holiday season.
  10. strict laws and counseling
  11. respecting people
  12. smoother and healthier relations, handling things gently and finding solutions.
  13. a women's support and help line should be established, and immediate action should be taken against violence.
  14. sit firmly in one place and talk to each other. go out together on weekends.
  15. maybe harsher penalties for violence.
  16. more awareness should be raised about the negative effects it could have on the future. let's draw closer to god as well.
  17. there should be a strict law implemented by the government to address the issue of family violence, and those who violate the law should be charged and punished. i believe that with this proposed solution, the issue of family violence will gradually come to an end.
  18. in my opinion, what leads to violence in the family is a lack of understanding, respect, and commitment, so in order to curb family violence, all three of these things must be addressed for the proper growth of the family.
  19. simply by understanding each other and supporting each other through the weak sides of life.
  20. education
  21. constant education about child abuse
  22. by reducing the incidence of extended family and empowering people to live alone instead of seeking help from extended family members, the economic situation should be restructured so that people will have the financial power to take care of themselves instead of relying on family members for financial assistance. in most cases, that is where the problem starts. thank you.
  23. a proper care in the family like one
  24. a good and proper understanding within the family
  25. by everybody in the environment to be reasonable and compassionate
  26. we can achieve this by properly educating the new generation, and for older generations who are using violence in their families, we should create even stricter laws.
  27. proper education about marriage