سکوس لهجه

تاسو په ځانګړي ډول په څه ویاړ احساس کوئ؟

  1. yes
  2. i support the greatest football club in the world.
  3. football club and the accent
  4. our strong sense of identity, community, and loyalty. the fact that if some tragedy happens, we unite as one in support. i think that's pretty unique. plus, our sarcastic sense of self-deprecating humor makes liverpool a warm, fun place to live.
  5. my family and the people around me
  6. my family and the people around me
  7. the way we all stick together, and if anyone messes with us, we will smash their head in.
  8. being unique and we have humor and the people
  9. everything
  10. i am proud to be a scouser because when i was a young woman, many pop groups in the top 20 were from liverpool. liverpool was buzzing.
  11. n
  12. everything
  13. the accent, sense of humor, and the way everyone sticks together!
  14. proud of the people. we are friendly and look on the bright side of life.
  15. people are lovely (mostly) here, + helpful + well-dressed + stuff :3
  16. the people
  17. being from liverpool.
  18. our wonderful city and people. it is a friendly place to live, and strangers will stop and chat and have a laugh with you.
  19. my family has lived in liverpool since the 1600s. it's my home.
  20. it's my hometown, the center of the universe, jesus christ was born here...
  21. sense of humor. down to earth values.
  22. the city and the football team liverpool fc
  23. being a scouser and knowing that i don't hang around on the streets like everyone thinks we do.
  24. cultural heritage
  25. the great architecture. particularly the two cathedrals.
  26. the liverpool people! we scousers are a very agreeable lot and are easy to get on with, and i think we are one of the funniest regions in the country.
  27. scouse attitude
  28. our sense of humour. people from liverpool know all the tricks in the book, so you can't fool us with lies and deception!! we will take care of you if you take care of us!
  29. the friendliness
  30. living in liverpool
  31. our heritage
  32. the history and heritage of where my family comes from and that the route of it all is liverpool.
  33. our buildings, heritage, and culture.
  34. funny people lfc @efc football clubs
  35. the city, the people are very friendly and funny, great football teams. everything about liverpool is great.
  36. the football club and dialect which is popular abroad.
  37. liverpool has a great community spirit and scousers, on the whole, have good hearts.
  38. the fact that wherever you may go in the world, you will never find friendlier people willing to help in any way, that's what makes a scouser.
  39. the city has achieved so much with football, music, arts, and the city of culture.
  40. my family: how kind, decent, and hardworking they are. how they will always be there for another member of the family whenever they are needed and how much they care for each other.
  41. the feeling of community wherever you go. you are part of a huge extended family
  42. our ascent and sense of humor
  43. -
  44. the people are friendly, real, and funny. but we take no nonsense from anyone; we are wise and shrewd.
  45. people attitude humour
  46. being from liverpool
  47. i'm not sure :/ i think to be part of such a great community, i guess something along those lines.
  48. everything :d
  49. everything
  50. the football team (lfc not efc). the accent, when i go to other cities and talk to people, they know i'm from liverpool without me telling them. the great buildings in the city center. that we take so much teasing from other cities and we take it as a joke. and don't complain about political correctness and sue people. and just that we are so cool. *thumbs up*
  51. we are great friendly people with a great sense of humor and always willing to help other people.
  52. my scouse language and the city
  53. humor we all get along look out for each other legends scouse (ie broth)
  54. living in liverpool and being scouse
  55. the people
  56. the community, way of life, love, friendship, and city center and nightlife.
  57. everton
  58. the loyalty that the city has to each other and the diverse heritage.
  59. having a really big liverpool family.
  60. the fact of being a scouser.
  61. our cultural heritage and strong sense of identity
  62. although there are some horrible people who call themselves scousers, there are also some genuinely nice people :')
  63. the heritage of my wonderful home city!
  64. the city of liverpool, that is, the architecture and the heritage.
  65. the accent, the football clubs, the individual aspect of being well known just from being from liverpool
  66. uniqueness
  67. our way of life, our customs, and hospitality towards each other.
  68. the culture and the close family ties, sense of humor and the ability to cope with anything that gets thrown at you, you just smile and get on with it! never letting things get out of control
  69. my father calls me scouswegian;) i'm proud to be a part of a place that reflects my way of being.
  70. friendliness of people, scouse sense of humour, liverpool fc, diversity, culture, architecture, the beatles