غیر مسلکي کارمندان

سلام) زما نوم شیویلیوا ماریا دی. زه د غیر مسلکي کارمندانو په اړه یوه پوښتنلیک چمتو کوم. د دې څیړنې هدف دا دی چې پوه شو څو کسان د خدمت کیفیت څخه ناخوښ دي او داسې نور.

مهرباني وکړئ لاندې پوښتنو ته ځواب ورکړئ. ډاډ ترلاسه کړئ چې تاسو په ورکړل شویو ځایونو کې ټولې پوښتنې ځواب کړئ او په څو انتخابي پوښتنو کې مناسب ځوابونه نښه کړئ.

یادونه: هغه پوښتنې چې * نښه شوي، د ځواب ورکولو لپاره اړینې دي

د سروې پایلې عامه دي

Do you work?*

If you choose “No”, please write, what do you do?*

How often did you meet incompetent staff in a hotel?*

Who are hotel staff that behave incompetently?*

What was the incompetent attitude of the employee?*

Have you tried to deal with this problem?*

If you choose “Yes”, write how you changed this situation?*

What measures were applied to this employee?*

Select important competencies that a good hotel employee should have, in your opinion.*

Please rate how satisfied you were with your last stay at the hotel.*

Would you return to the hotel where you last stayed?*

Estimate the basic hotel services provided at the hotel during your last vacation.*

Meeting at the reception
Room cleaning
Restaurant services
Staff communication
Quality of service
Competence of staff

How old are you?*

Your gender*

The country in which you last visited the hotel.*