چارلي شين

سلام، دا د چارلي شين په اړه یوه سروې ده او د هغه په اړه نظر او ادراک چې لري.
آیا ته به ما سره د دې ځوابولو کې مرسته وکړې؟


آیا ته چارلي شين یو ښه اداکار/کومیدین ګڼې؟


  1. because it makes me laugh a lot.
  2. because it's funny.
  3. is different from the others
  4. because the humor he has is different from the others
  5. because in everything he does, he is very sarcastic.
  6. because the sarcastic humor he has is very different from that of other comedians, and that makes him a very good comedian.
  7. he is funny and fits very well into his role.
  8. it makes you laugh a lot.
  9. his professionalism and love for his work are remarkable.

آیا ته غواړې چې هغه د "دو او نیم سړي" ته راستون شي؟

چارلي شين په درې کلمو کې تشریح کړه

  1. don't know
  2. na
  3. a good actor
  4. alcoholic, social, womanizer.
  5. funny drug addict comedian
  6. sex, drugs, and comedy
  7. comedy, alcohol, sarcasm
  8. alcoholic, womanizer, comedian
  9. comedy alcohol sex
  10. women, drugs, laughter

آیا د هغه د مخدره توکو/ښځو سره ستونزې ستا د هغه په اړه ادراک باندې تاثیر کړی؟


  1. he has always done it, it's normal for him.
  2. because they do not affect your work.
  3. everyone has their own life
  4. because he remains the same
  5. because it affects your professional life.
  6. because he is still the actor he used to be, that is what matters.
  7. because their personality affects their work.
  8. because their work was still very good.
  9. because that's what makes it funny.
  10. because they tarnished his reputation.

آیا ته فکر کوې چې د هغه 'بد هلک' تصویر د هغه سره سمون لري؟

آیا ته د چارلي شين د سټنډ اپ شو ګورې؟

خپله سروې جوړه کړئدې فورمې ته ځواب ورکړئ