ARC225 - د درس په درس کې نظر پوښتنه - درس 11 مملوک 1

دا د نن ورځې درس په اړه یوه چټکه نظر پوښتنه ده. هدف دا دی چې پوه شو کومې برخې تاسو ته جلب شوې او کومې نه، ترڅو په دوامداره توګه پرمختګ وکړو.

دا به 2 دقیقې وخت ونلري. مننه

ARC225 - د درس په درس کې نظر پوښتنه - درس 11 مملوک 1
د سروې پایلې یوازې د سروې لیکوال ته موجودې دي

Please evaluate the following

I think the Lecture was very interesting
I think Multimedia use was very related
I think the Activities were entertaining
I think the Activities were useful
I could probably say I understood more than 90%
I could probably say I understood more than 80%
I could probably say I understood more than 70%
I didn't enjoy the lecture
I would like to learn more about this topic
I didn't understand a lot
I was bored sleeping in the lecture

Which parts of THIS lecture you liked most?

In one sentence make a suggestion to make this lecture more exciting

Final comments and thoughts