Dear Participant

Please use this page to register your Architect Got Talent Project.

- Only 1 person should fill this form from the group.

- Max 10 per group.

- Must specify which building and which event or character you will study

When you supply your contact information, you will receive a message with your project registration number to be used in future modifications.

30 April 2018 Midnight this page will disappear!

د سروې پایلې یوازې د سروې لیکوال ته موجودې دي

Your Name (Only 1 person from the group should fill this form) ✪

Your ID ✪

Your Mobile Number ✪

Your Messenger Account ✪

Your Project Title in English ✪

Your Project Title in Arabic ✪

Chosen Event or Character: The character or historical event around which the project revolves

Chosen Monument: The architectural feature around which the story revolves

Main Idea ✪

Team Member 1 - Name, id, Role (use comma) ✪

Team Member 2 - Name, id, Role (use comma) ✪

Team Member 3 - Name, id, Role (use comma) ✪

Team Member 4 - Name, id, Role (use comma) ✪

Team Member 5 - Name, id, Role (use comma) ✪

Team Member 6 - Name, id, Role (use comma)

Team Member 7 - Name, id, Role (use comma)

Team Member 8 - Name, id, Role (use comma)

Team Member 9 - Name, id, Role (use comma)

Team Member 10 - Name, id, Role (use comma)

Are you using outside help? Who and in what? ✪

I promise to submit my project online on time, to conduct this competition without cheating in work or in votes or any other unethical practice. If I am found to violate this I accept to be punished accordingly. ✪