ASE 352 FA2017 - History and Theories 3 Post Course Evaluation

Dear Student

Thank you for taking the class. No one is perfect.

This is a quick poll to improve my teaching.

It won't take 10 min.


Ayman M Ismail

د سروې پایلې یوازې د سروې لیکوال ته موجودې دي

Please evaluate the following

I think the lectures were very interesting
I think the classes were interactive
I think the class activities were interesting
I like the Happy Face Idea
I could probably say I understood about 90%
I could probably say I understood about 80%
I could probably say I understood less than 70%
I felt bored during the lectures
I felt ignored during the lectures
I like the project idea a lot
I enjoyed the class activities
I learned more from the class activities than the actual lectures
I think the assignments were difficult
I think the final was difficult
I think the doctor tried hard to make us understand the course
I think the contents of the course were clear
I had to get help from outside to understand (besides the Dr and TA)
I think the TA was awesome
I think the grading was fair

In one sentence make a suggestion to make this course more exciting

Please write your comments. They are valuable to me..