ලිතුවේනියානු රූපය පිළිබඳ පර්යේෂණය

B 10. ඔබට ලිතුවේනියාව පිළිබඳව පළමු වරට කුමන ස්ථානයකින් ඇසුණේ කෙසේද?

  1. internet
  2. no
  3. no
  4. internet and social networks
  5. while talking about the old ussr
  6. internet
  7. on tv
  8. internet
  9. a sizable portion of the stuff you put out is astonishingly correct, which makes me wonder why i had not looked at this in this particular light before. this piece truly did turn the light on for me regarding this subject matter. however, there is actually one aspect i am not entirely comfortable with, so while i try to reconcile that with the main idea of your point, let me see what the rest of your readers have to say. pretty well done.
  10. good day! this was a really excellent subject! i come from italy, i was lucky to find your theme on google. also, i learned a lot from your topics, really thanks very much. i will come back later.
  11. you're on top of the game. thanks for sharing.
  12. church missionary friends who moved to klaipeda in 2005.
  13. scotland seems to play lithuania quite regularly in football, so many years ago!
  14. my grandfather was a lithuanian refugee.
  15. a friend of the family's grandparents is from there.
  16. at school ... geography, european studies, etc. more recently, in the news because it's an eu member state.
  17. exhibition in strasbourg
  18. in school, geography class - and when it joined the eu - more about lithuania.
  19. i had a neighbor from lithuania a few years ago.
  20. can't remember, long time ago.
  21. cannot remember when i first heard the name of the country. but the first time i got to know something about the country was in high school in social studies.
  22. geography lessons
  23. school
  24. watching basketball
  25. newspapers, tv
  26. school history many years ago
  27. general news media
  28. from my aunt who was born there
  29. i heard about lithuania after 1990 from the news, then i found out more from some summer job mates.
  30. in high school geography class
  31. can't remember
  32. since i was born, my grandfather was born there.
  33. i was born there.
  34. in school
  35. in primary school when the soviet union broke apart.
  36. when it gained independence from the soviet union
  37. maps of europe
  38. i once knew someone from lithuania; she worked with my mom.
  39. i met some lithuanian people.
  40. at school
  41. by sports, i love sports, so when i hear about lithuanian players, i want to know more about them.
  42. at school, perhaps?
  43. in the news when the soviet union collapsed
  44. i have heard about it in relation to soccer and the other balkan countries.
  45. geography lessons in 3rd grade? maybe? a long time ago at least.
  46. i cannot remember, i just know about the country.
  47. from their national football team.
  48. just know that it is a baltic country.
  49. history
  50. 2000, aiesec.
  51. on television
  52. elementary school
  53. history lessons in school
  54. from my father. he visited it in the 80s.
  55. olympic basketball
  56. in elementary school geography class.
  57. at school
  58. school, geography.
  59. at school
  60. at the separation from the ussr in 1991
  61. tv i think
  62. primary school
  63. i don't know.
  64. in the news
  65. my interest grew due to lithuanian basketball players!
  66. in geography class
  67. in the school
  68. nothing much, i guess it's cold out there, man i could die from the cold lol
  69. i studied history and politics in my degree but had heard of the country during the breakup of the ussr.
  70. when i was in high school geography... a long time ago.
  71. in a university of madrid, spain, for a good lithuanian friend
  72. when the estonia ferry sank
  73. tv - soccer
  74. during geography lessons at school: when latvia, estonia, and lithuania separated from the former soviet union
  75. friends
  76. at school
  77. history book about the takeover of lithuania by the ussr in 1939.
  78. when i met lithuanians in denmark
  79. in relation to other new baltic states
  80. don't remember
  81. eurovision song contest :-)
  82. school (history)
  83. news from quite a few years ago.
  84. thorn tree
  85. eurovision song contest
  86. history lesson
  87. news
  88. when i went to latvia and estonia.
  89. when i first met my lithuanian friends (2003)
  90. at school, in a geography lesson
  91. at home when i was very little :)
  92. when they were separated from russia
  93. at the school, studying capitals of europe.
  94. football team
  95. arvydas sabonis, for sure! what a legend...
  96. school
  97. at school (i was about 12 years old)
  98. junior high school
  99. from childhood
  100. 亚当·密茨凯维奇的诗歌