Fort Hare විශ්වවිද්‍යාලයේ ශිෂ්‍යයන් සඳහා ප්‍රශ්නාවලිය

15. IT භාවිතා කරමින් ජාත්‍යන්තර ශිෂ්‍යයන් සමඟ වැඩ කිරීමේ ප්‍රතිලාභ කුමක්ද යන්න ඔබ සිතන්නේ කුමක්ද?

  1. it is wonderful.
  2. no
  3. more knowledge can be gained by joining them.
  4. ain't nobody got time for that!
  5. you get to have inside, nearly first-hand experience of what happens in other parts of the world almost instantly.
  6. it will help develop the use of it all over the world. when it comes to it, some people are more reluctant to get involved because it's usually too technical, etc. but if it involved communicating with international students, maybe the reluctant group might find it more interesting and would get more involved.
  7. it brings together lots of ideas.
  8. since we are from different countries, things are done differently, and we can teach each other new things.
  9. well, we can communicate.
  10. i believe that international students have a more advanced technological system; therefore, we could learn a lot from them.
  11. gain knowledge and be recognized
  12. it will help them gain more knowledge about our it.
  13. not really sure whether they are working or not...
  14. i think we will be able to explore and know what we don't have knowledge of.
  15. to gain more advanced knowledge about computers or it.
  16. to provide us with more knowledge about i.t.
  17. international students excel, which motivates us to study hard.
  18. we can teach each other new things since we are from different countries.
  19. we can learn new things from each other since we are from different countries.
  20. exchange information with each other, learn more about other countries
  21. acquire more computer knowledge
  22. you get to know everything about their countries.
  23. it's different and could be very useful in understanding the work better because some international students are always ahead of us in technology and other things, so it's interesting.
  24. they have their own different strategies and techniques for approaching or solving problems that we encounter, and they possess more advanced skills in it compared to us.
  25. to gain more knowledge and to know what other students are doing in other countries
  26. adapting their ways of using the internet and trying to work together
  27. to get to know other students and exchange information
  28. to be able to exchange information, thus being able to learn new things from the other learners.
  29. we can obtain better resources from international students, as some universities lack the knowledge of how to communicate with students, have poor administrative ethics, and insufficient online resources. collaborating with a university in a first-world country can provide universities in third-world countries the opportunity to learn from how first-world universities operate, among other things.
  30. i think the benefits are that we can bridge the technology gap between us and other international students using it, in the sense that we could share what new innovations in it have been introduced locally and abroad.
  31. some of them are advanced in technology, so they help come up with something new.
  32. international exposure, networking, and meeting new students, a learning curve.
  33. we can learn from each other (different walks of life) and grow in knowledge.
  34. we save a lot of money and it's less time-consuming.
  35. to have a technological mindset
  36. gaining more experience and having a broader perspective on how things work.
  37. the benefits would be that international students have more knowledge about using it and would gain more knowledge from them.
  38. it can greatly improve our skills by exchanging information with other students in other countries.
  39. so that students who are having difficulties using some of the it components can be assisted.
  40. it can be very helpful because we can learn and exchange information with each other. it can also be motivating as we would learn whether there are good jobs in this field and what benefits there are in it.
  41. international experience
  42. it gives us more knowledge about what others are doing that we don't do, and therefore we will benefit from sharing information.
  43. international students are often eager to share what they know. it opens our minds.
  44. do not know
  45. to gain more knowledge
  46. the benefits are that we will also be at the same or almost the same standard as international students, as i believe their knowledge is more advanced than ours here in south africa. overall, we will be exposed to international standards, and we will be able to share ideas.
  47. we get to share our technological experience, knowledge, and innovative ideas on how we can improve the world using computers, whether in production industries or factories.
  48. you get to meet new people
  49. meeting new people
  50. gain knowledge of how other students in different countries value it
  51. you meet new students
  52. doing or performing projects that can be profitable. gaining and learning from each other.
  53. we understand how it is used internationally.
  54. learning from other people in different worlds can help me acquire more skills in navigating the internet and gathering information from various countries. additionally, it can help me grow as a person, allowing me to reach the other side of the world and expand my computer skills internationally.
  55. it connects people who would have otherwise not been connected due to distance. so it gives rise to the ability to learn new things from different people all over the world, things that we would have normally not had a chance to experience.
  56. we will be exposed to how other countries do things, and one will be able to learn a lot from them, and they could learn a few things from us.
  57. it can broaden your knowledge on many topics that can benefit us in the future.
  58. get feedback quickly and enhance your knowledge and theirs, and see how your technology in your country compares to others and expand your target market, etc.
  59. we get to know we are not familiar with we gain knowledge from them we learn new things about the internet
  60. i think the benefits are great because we are then able to be more advanced if we work with international students using it.
  61. we get to share the knowledge we have and work as a team.
  62. we will be gaining more information and also sharing some ideas, and as a result, we will know more about what we are learning.
  63. you get to know them better and you learn more about them and their cultures.
  64. it will help you gain more information and international assistance.
  65. gaining international expertise from their experiences using it and expanding my it knowledge and skills.
  66. to gain international standard
  67. we share knowledge and skills on how to operate different networks and how to troubleshoot problems in different ways.
  68. it is a great opportunity because we might learn a lot from them and i know they will learn a lot from us.
  69. they can show us their way of doing things with it and also easier ways of achieving desired results.
  70. keep pace with it changes internationally.
  71. increased diversity for the university and other students
  72. you get to know how international students work, the way they handle things, and you learn from them.
  73. share and gain knowledge of it and how they are exposed to it.
  74. getting more information to understand it better and to familiarize themselves with the latest it information.
  75. i can gain more knowledge by working with them.
  76. one has the opportunity to compare subject matter with students from other universities and share knowledge on areas that are lacking in one's own course.
  77. i think it would be very beneficial, as international students are more advanced in using it.
  78. this is a way for us to compare how it helps us as students in different places. we can then possibly compare the skills used or the knowledge gained and either improve or change the way we use it to benefit us as students more.
  79. yes
  80. because we learn more things from them.
  81. we gain extra experience in using computers.
  82. i think they are good.
  83. we could learn more from them, and we could also compare what levels we are on.
  84. gaining new knowledge about the information system and the technological innovations.
  85. getting to know each other also makes work much easier.
  86. we can gain more knowledge by working with them.
  87. is that we can get exposed to a different style of learning and researching.
  88. we can learn more from them, and they can learn a few things from us as well.
  89. gaining different perspectives on developments and trends in technology and sharing information.
  90. i think they are good because working with international students one can gain a lot of information, especially about technology.
  91. we communicate and try to solve the problems we are facing as students and find out how they are doing things in their country.
  92. get to compare different experiences and points of view.
  93. you get to know other people better and have a different perspective on how others live in other countries, gaining new knowledge about information systems that was not available at that time.
  94. one could learn new things from them that you don't already know.
  95. they are so advanced with technology that working with them is worth it, and they are helping us a lot.
  96. students learn about some other things/information they were missing that other students from different places know.
  97. exchange of various it skills from different locations
  98. international students are more advanced when it comes to technology; therefore, i feel that we have a lot to learn from them in order to improve our knowledge and computer skills.
  99. they come up with easy ways to use computers.
  100. we go beyond just exchanging ideas; we also share our experiences as students and receive advice from our peers, which is something very important.