ශිෂ්‍යයන්ගේ ලිපි සමාලෝචනය කිරීම සඳහා සේවාව (ගුරුවරුන් සඳහා)

අවවාද (අවශ්‍ය නම්)

  1. you might consider adding a brief (not detailed) report for similarity for free.
  2. excellent checker of possible plagiarized content
  3. that is a nice strategy.
  4. i believe that these tools are absolutely necessary to eradicate the danger of plagiarism in our institutions. however, some still do not grasp the situation, as it is difficult to get them to fund the acquisition of these tools. at times, even the teachers, protective of our value, find ourselves in the position of having to finance them ourselves. sincerely.
  5. student
  6. it is a great help for students; there are some of us who come from low-income backgrounds.
  7. for a free user, make a trial to view the report.
  8. student
  9. good
  10. nice site
  11. i am a lecturer at veritas university abuja, nigeria, and i teach computer science. this service will be beneficial to me to ensure the academic integrity of my students' work and allow for quality assurance. thank you.
  12. it is a good tool.