Survey on innovations in museum exhibitions

Dear survey participants,

I am MSc in Innovation Management and Technology at Klaipeda University (Lithuania). My master's thesis covers the field of innovation in museums' expositions. By agreeing to fill out this questionnaire, you are participating in an anonymous survey that seeks to investigate whether innovations and what innovations as other measures at museums' expositions would encourage the attendance of museums. Thank you for your time.

You are from:

Your age:

You are:

Your education:

You are:

How often (average) do you visit museums?

For how long (average) do you stay in museum during one visit?

Your priority is:

What is the most attractive element of the set below in the museum expositions?

How do you understand innovations in museum expositions? You can choose more than one option.

Evaluate statements of importance from 1 to 5 (1 - not important, 5 - very important). Goal of museum visiting:

Evaluate statements of importance from 1 to 5 (1 - not important, 5 - very important). How important in museum is?

You give innovation priority in museum expositions for:

What do you think should be the museum's expositions?

What innovations in museum exhibitions would encourage you to visit the museum more than once a month? You can choose more than one option.

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