Pursuing your Bachelor Degree? What would be your next step, a Master Degree or work?

Pursuing your Bachelor Degree? What would be your next step, a Master Degree or work?
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Are you under 23 years old:

Your gender:

Name of attending University/ Institution :

What is your current field of study/faculty :

How passionate are you about your Bachelor programme:

The Bachelor Programme which you are taking now, is it what you always wanted to study:

What is your plan after graduation:

Which level/position does Master Degree take in your qualification:

Do you want to study Master at the same University:

Do you want to study Master in the same country:

Do you think the Master Degree would highly benefit you:

Do you want to continue study/work in the same field as your Bachelor degree :

Do you have work experience:

Your work experience was :

Is your work experience related to your studying programme:

Do your family have sufficient funds to cover your tuition fees:

How would you cover your Master tuition fee:

Do you work or plan to work for part time during the studies:

If your choice is to work, would you consider getting a Master Degree any time in future: