Vpliv poslušanja glasbe med študenti med učenjem
(Angleščina spodaj)
Sem Gabrielė, študentka drugega letnika na Tehnološki univerzi v Kaunasu. Opravljam študijo o vplivu poslušanja glasbe med študenti med učenjem. Rada bi vedela, kakšne so vaše preference glede tega: ali poslušate glasbo med učenjem in ali vam pomaga ali vas moti. Prosimo, izpolnite to anketo, ki traja 2 minuti. Vaši odgovori so anonimni in se bodo uporabili samo za to raziskavo. Udeležba je prostovoljna, zato imate pravico, da vprašalnik končate kadarkoli.
Če imate kakšna vprašanja: [email protected]
Hvala za vašo udeležbo!
I am Gabrielė, a second-year student at the Kaunas University of Technology. I am conducting a study about the impact of listening to music while studying among the students. I would like to know what are you preferences regarding this matter: whether you listen to music while studying and whether it helps you or distracts you. Please complete this 2-minute survey. Your responses are anonymous and will be used for this research only. The participation is voluntary; therefore, you have the right to end the questionnaire at any point.
Should you have any questions: [email protected]
Thank you for your participation!