Ndikimi i rrjeteve sociale në komunikimin dhe privatësinë e njerëzve

Ne jemi studentet e vitit të dytë të filologjisë angleze në VU, Augustë dhe Saulë. Kjo anketë është e destinuar për përdoruesit e rrjeteve sociale. Ajo është anonime dhe rezultatet e saj do të përdoren vetëm për qëllime akademike.

Rezultatet e anketës janë të disponueshme publikisht

Your age? ✪

Your gender? ✪

Your education? ✪

Are you currently employed? ✪

Are you a user of at least one social network? ✪

On average, how much time do you spend on social networks per day? ✪

Do social networks influence your communication skills? ✪

What impact do social networks have on your communication skills? ✪

Do you use social networks during meetings? (with family, friends, etc.) ✪

How do you feel when someone is browsing social networks during a meeting? ✪

How do you feel when someone posts every step you take to social networks during a meeting? ✪

Do you share your personal information on social networks? If yes, what? (multiple answers possible) ✪

How many contacts do you have on Facebook? (if you do not use it, write 0) ✪

How many contacts do you have on Facebook? (if you do not use it, write 0) ✪

How many followers do you have on Instagram? (if you do not use it, write 0) ✪

How many contacts do you have on Snapchat? (if you do not use it, write 0) ✪

Do all contacts in your social networks know you? ✪

What do you use social networks for? (multiple answers possible) ✪

What level of security do you have set on your Facebook profile? ✪

What level of security do you have set on your Instagram profile? ✪

Are you concerned that outsiders can see your shared information on social networks? ✪

How do you evaluate social networks? Why? ✪