Anketa e mostrës

Çfarë shihni në këtë imazh?

  1. spots
  2. Dots
  3. Nothing
  4. nothing
  5. under
  6. bear
  7. plain white in color, there are no pictures.
  8. 11111
  9. nothing
  10. colors
  11. asdas
  12. hfghgf
  13. violence
  14. color splashes
  15. colorful
  16. splatter painting
  17. colorful spots
  18. dfsdfasdf
  19. blue
  20. color splash
  21. watercolor marks
  22. i don't know.
  23. all colors
  24. calmness
  25. spots
  26. spots
  27. colors
  28. color art
  29. colors
  30. green, blue, red, yellow
  31. spoiled table
  32. red
  33. hhnn
  34. g
  35. blue
  36. dots
  37. stuff
  38. blah!
  39. colors
  40. dog
  41. d
  42. face
  43. dog
  44. brain
  45. dog
  46. nil
  47. beetle
  48. i don't know.
  49. dog
  50. evil teddy bear
  51. it seems that "eryerrger" does not correspond to any recognizable word or phrase in a specific language. could you please provide more context or check the spelling?
  52. moo
  53. none
  54. nnn
  55. brain
  56. black and white
  57. a dog?
  58. xxxx
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  86. ddfsf
  87. a big blob maybe an ant
  88. test test test
  89. butterfly
  90. tyum
  91. frog
  92. christmas
  93. rhino
  94. heart
  95. banana
  96. an angry creature.
  97. a bug
  98. thing
  99. ink
  100. an ink blot