
Cilat kompetenca të diplomuarve në menaxhimin e mikpritjes duhet të përqendrohet programi i përbashkët i studimeve për të përmbushur kërkesat e punëdhënësve? Tregoni të paktën tre.

  1. don't know
  2. learning, understanding, and motivation.
  3. na
  4. 1
  5. to know what employees are seeking, to know how to develop the company, market trends
  6. hr
  7. the graduate should have good language expression skills, be polite and diplomatic, and be a good psychologist (understand how to interact with different kinds of people without creating conflicts).
  8. behavior. teamwork, communication
  9. multicultural skills, cooperation, teamwork
  10. customer service, languages,
  11. 请提供您希望翻译的文本。