Anketa për mësuesit

1. Vendi

  1. india
  2. italy
  3. italy
  4. italy
  5. italy
  6. poland
  7. poland
  8. poland
  9. latvia
  10. portugal
…Më shumë…

2. Gjinia:

3. Mosha:

4. Arsimimi:

5. Mosha e fëmijëve tuaj me të cilët punoni tani:

6. A është përmirësuar gjuha juaj angleze gjatë këtyre dy viteve?

7. Niveli juaj i gjuhës angleze tani:

8. Cila është përvoja juaj në mësimdhënien e anglishtes me nxënës të rinj?

9. A është rritur përvoja juaj në mësimdhënien e anglishtes?

10. Cilat metoda moderne të mësimdhënies së anglishtes përdorni në praktikën tuaj?

11. Cilat metoda të reja të mësimdhënies së anglishtes filloni të përdorni falë aktiviteteve të projektit?

12. Cila është metoda juaj e preferuar? Ju lutem, shpjegoni pse?

  1. english through play, because young children learn more and have fun.
  2. english through play, because young children learn more and have fun.
  3. english through play, because young students learn more and have fun.
  4. clil because i can use it in everyday activities using english.
  5. all those methods work.
  6. all of them work
  7. clil and pbl. simply it works :)
  8. learning through songs and rhymes.
  9. english through play because children can learn and play at the same time.
  10. english through play, because children learn in a playful way. we can turn a joke into learning.
…Më shumë…

13. Cilat pritshmëri keni arritur gjatë viteve të projektit?

14. A ka ndonjë gjë tjetër që mendoni se duhet të dimë?

  1. no
  2. -
  3. i think this experience was very fruitful.
  4. this project has proven to be very helpful for my activity.
  5. my experience as a cooperative educator has increased throughout the year with english classes.
  6. no thanks.
  7. my experience as a cooperative educator has increased throughout the year with english classes.
  8. no.
  9. in our school, we have an english teacher.
  10. it was a great project! i also improved my english knowledge because during our meetings i had to speak in english! it was interesting to see many english lessons and methods!
…Më shumë…
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