Asbendos pizza kolding

My name is Abid Hasan. I’m studying in IBA, Kolding and my field of study is marketing management. As a part of my course, I did my internship in a fast food restaurant named Asbendos Pizza and Grill bar. I need to do a survey for my thesis report. It will be appreciated and grateful to you if answer the following questions.

Thank you

Rezultatet e anketës janë të disponueshme publikisht

1. what is your age group?

2. what is your current employment status?

3. How often do you buy pizza or grilled food?

4. From where did you buy pizza from over past years in Kolding?

5. Does it matter to you a brand while purchasing fast food or pizza?

6. What do you consider when purchasing pizza?

7. How do you like to order pizza or other fast food?

8. Have you ever visited Asbendos Pizza og Grill bar, Kolding ?(if no, go to question no.13)

9. If yes, What did you like most ?

10. How would you rate your overall satisfaction with us?

11. What did not you like about Asbendos pizza og Grill bar?

12. what other products would you like Asbendos pizza's add in their menu?

13. what is the perfect way to reach to you with special offers?

14. would you like to visit Asbendos Pizza og Grill bar in Kolding in future

15. Would you like to recommend Asbendos pizza og Grill bar to your friends or family?