Companies' information on the Internet and its accessibility

Many people every day are faced with the problem of lack of information about the companies. People before becoming customers of those specific companies usually tend to search for additional information on the Internet. Though, companies do the same thing while checking the competitors or future partners.
Rezultatet e anketës janë të disponueshme vetëm për autorin e anketës

1. For what purposes do you use the Internet? ✪

2. How many hours per day do you spend online? ✪

3. Do you buy things online? ✪

4. Have you ever searched for any company or its products on the Internet? ✪

5. Did you contact the company directly or try to find outside sources that may provide the information you needed? ✪

6. If YES, what information did you need?

If none of the above, please identify:

7. Would you join e-community (web network) in order to get access to such information? ✪

8. Would you pay money for the opportunity to get the information about the companies that you are interested in and cannot be found anywhere else? ✪