Faqja e Titullit të Kickstarter-it

1. A e detyron titulli të veproni (duke parë videon ose duke u rrotulluar poshtë për më shumë informacion)?

  1. easy to understand, relatable language, with a good flow.
  2. the words online and offline create a contrasting effect, which gives a sense of monumental changes.
  3. the title clearly indicates what you are doing. the word "world" signifies the global implementation.
  4. forward, clear and simple, but not clear in a way that it is not time-relevant. online education has been around for a while now; it's not new or relevant like ka or ka lite is.
  5. i like this one! it clearly states the goal of the project.
  6. taking free online education to the offline world
  7. i like knowing that it's going to the offline world.
  8. "offline world" sounds flat.
  9. somehow i feel like replacing "taking" with "bringing" will make it sound better.
  10. the concept is confusing despite the fact that it is what we do. others can also make this same statement while providing much less than we do.
  11. connect me to the recipients...you can connect me to him.
  12. it's straightforward and directly addresses what kolibri is about, so that's a plus.
  13. "taking" implies that we are moving a resource from one place to another... we're actually copying it :)
  14. maybe if it was changed to "bringing" instead of "taking"