Faqja e Titullit të Kickstarter-it

A keni ndonjë mendim ose sugjerim të përgjithshëm?

  1. no suggestions
  2. no
  3. sorry, no comments.
  4. none
  5. it's revolutionary
  6. no
  7. no
  8. no
  9. no
  10. no
  11. as
  12. no
  13. bush did 9/11.
  14. no
  15. no
  16. the product must be information found on the internet (blogs, videos, articles), but in traditional channels, like tv, radio, or print.
  17. no
  18. no
  19. connect the disconnected is still my favorite. it's catchy, easy to remember, witty, and the least wordy of all the options.
  20. taking quality online education to the offline world
  21. 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999
  22. ddd
  23. taking online education to the offline world is, in my opinion, the best approach. it's the simplest yet most effective way to convey what you want to communicate.
  24. none at this time
  25. am i done yet?
  26. you're welcome!
  27. if we could somehow mix 1 and 3, i think that would be my favorite.
  28. number 4 seems clear enough, but the phrase sounds a bit too "dense" compared to number 1.
  29. bridging the learning divide rather than e-learning
  30. a couple of typos in your questionnaire: "do you 'have' any general thoughts or suggestions", and "please 'comment'..." (should read "have" and "comment" respectively.) the first title is definitely the one that suggests that fle is offering/giving something desirable, states what that is, and clearly describes the target audience, all in clear and simple terms.
  31. the last one is clear, simple, and straightforward, but also relevant enough to intrigue the potential consumer to want to learn more. it avoids the boring "online education" as known in tv advertisements. it is also not so complicated and creative in terms of diction that it defeats the purpose and fails to convey the idea.
  32. i like how it's very inclusive, which i enjoy.
  33. .
  34. i feel like the first option sounds the best because it clearly portrays your purpose and mission statement.
  35. i like "taking online education to the offline world" and "bridging the e-learning divide," but they are very opposite ways to describe it. one is clear and straightforward but sounds less appealing, while the other is metaphorical but relatively difficult to understand, like what do "e-learning" and "divide" mean here? probably something like "bridging the online education divide" and "enlightening the offline world with online education," sort of like a combination of both.
  36. i don't find any of these very compelling - mostly because i'm not sure they really tell me what i'm looking at.
  37. some title suggestions: 1. is it truly free when 2/3 of the world cannot access free online education? 2. a free offline education that everyone can contribute to 3. let's achieve universal free education 4. take free education with you 5. free education for the world
  38. i generally like it when it says we are taking it to the offline world because a lot of other platforms might say it's a free, open source education. i'm not sure about the usage of e-learning.
  39. the logo doesn't provide me with any information about what kolibri is. perhaps try creating a prototype screenshot of real users or the product.
  40. i think that the best title is "kolibri: bringing online education to the offline world."
  41. open source: catchy and concise!
  42. i feel that "free, open-source education for all" perfectly encapsulates what we are doing. it is easily understandable and agreeable to all sectors (public, private, and philanthropic) while eliminating unnecessary confusion for potential partners and funders.
  43. nope
  44. awesome! i want to see the video.
  45. the title i preferred isn't complicated, and it gets straight to the point. it's all-inclusive and sparks interest: how are we going to provide free, open-sourced education for everyone? every other title feels like a guessing game. i want to know what this is about from the beginning.
  46. no
  47. no
  48. many of these titles are effective in making people see kolibri as something for everyone, which is positive.
  49. nice work!! this is my input.... generally: i think that the headlines should say "this is something that needs to be done" rather than "this is something that's already being done". i know it's already being done, but for people on kickstarter to feel ownership, they should know that this will happen because they support... they shouldn't get a feeling that it'll happen anyways by other means. so "take online education..." instead of "taking online" my favorite remix would be: "bridge the e-learning divide: share the online learning revolution offline" immediately after, we could explain how: "a massive online e-learning revolution is happening. but people without internet access become disadvantaged. let's bring them education and knowledge on offline media" /ben
  50. no
  51. 3