Full Noize 180123

GOOSEY ishe aty sot?

Woody 1.5 rrotulla

Zot, Princ, Duk, Duk i Madh, Mbret:

Full Noize


  1. raccoon, fly......
  2. eagle 3 dk 4 boxer 5
  3. b double truck
  4. coonie/fly, berd, ?, boxa
  5. i don't know.


  1. those about to receive a letter of notice
  2. flash, waves, shades, and friends
  3. usual suspects plus flash in the pan

K penalty?

  1. there’s some poor sock form starting to creep in.

Weoh Weoh Weoh!!

  1. give me two utah
  2. the renaissance of hick. special.
  3. fast and furious!
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