Full Noize 180125

Brian McStabbin 10 sot.

WEK po qëndron.

Sherpa Kthehu

Striker v Turts Rrotull për rrotull

Coon v Flutur

KFC v Couger



Zot, Princ, Arkiduk, Dukë i Madh, Mbret:

Full Noize


  1. 1 coonie 2 fly 3 bird
  2. coonie, fly, bird


  1. roo boy. he gave up too easily today. he was looking good. waves unleashed a tsunami from behind.

K penalty?

    Weoh Weoh Weoh!!

    1. wek - how excited to hold the tail all the way to the end!!!
    2. wekdogg
    3. so smooth today.
    Krijo anketën tëndePëgjigjuni në këtë anketë