Full Noize 180213

Po a nuk dëshiron të mos flije si një breshkë...KUPA

Nuk janë vetëm shkopinj musk nga dyqani i ëmbëlsirave.

Zoti, Princ, Arqiduk, Dukë i Madh, Mbret:

Full Noize


  1. 1 coonie 2 fly 3 bird
  2. raccoon, fky, eages (dqf for chopping fmz wheel), fmz, smax


  1. pimp
  2. not much to talk about here.......like fvck there isn't!!!!! pimpy.....boom, boom, booooooooom!!!!!
  3. pimp, wek, waves, but not roooook
  4. pimp!!! what a pathetic effort.

K penalty?

  1. ronald mcdonald looks like an idiot!!!
  2. smax
  3. if we're counting fishermen, we have to issue a kit penalty.
  4. smaz
  5. cheeseburger please.
  6. ronald mcdonald

Weoh Weoh Weoh!!

  1. fly needs to learn to sprint straight!
  2. awesome morning today.
  3. pimpy pimpy pimpy huge roll and rolls from flash
  4. i wonder how turtle feels about his sleep now. 😤
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