Inxhinieria e Energjisë Elektrike - Universiteti Fayoum - Qershor 2021

Vlerësimi i Kursit të Elektronikës dhe Komunikimeve

A keni marrë pjesë në sesionet online?

Si e gjeni kursin?

Profesori i kursit është ....

Profesori ishte .....

Asistenti i mësuesit është

Kam mësuar nga ky kurs .....

  1. electricity goes bzzzzzzzz.
  2. nothing
  3. how to communicate
  4. how to send communication signals and transmit the signal in the best way.
  5. patience
  6. more things about communications, and we gain online dealing experiences from you, doctor. thank you very much.
  7. basics of electrical engineering like modulating
  8. how to transmit and receive signals
  9. how to transmit information through the air, without a physical carrier 👀⚡
  10. what happened to the signal to reach us?
…Më shumë…

Dëshiroj që kursi të ishte modifikuar në mënyrën e mëposhtme .....

  1. the poll maker needs to spell better.
  2. the course requires a bit more effort from the doctor and the assistant to effectively convey information to the student.
  3. yes
  4. regularity of the sessions
  5. i hope the exams will be easier than the ones we do and be as simple as the examples in lectures, not as difficult as the worksheets.
  6. as long as it's not our subject, why should we delete it?
  7. of how people understand
  8. there is no modified.
  9. don't be online.
  10. more examples on sheets
…Më shumë…
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