Konsumatori/vendësi i parfumit qëndrim ndaj parfumit të YSL

Kjo është një studim psikoanalitik i parfumit "OPIUM" të Yves Saint Laurent nga Euromed Management. Ju falënderojmë që na ofroni disa minuta për të ndarë ndjenjat tuaja me ne. Do të jetë shumë e vlefshme. Të gjitha informacionet do të jenë konfidenciale.

Faleminderit paraprakisht!

Emri juaj:

  1. swastika
  2. happiness
  3. rupashree dey
  4. synwremudk
  5. yyuprnxbctjlvc


  1. 35
  2. 27
  3. 26
  4. uqfqkexpntqczcqz
  5. ooaiqrbyqucdlicxy

Funksioni: ju jeni një


  1. no
  2. A
  3. ysl
  4. 抱歉,我无法翻译该内容。
  5. uffeasbohhlumzrem

A jeni në çift?

Çfarë ju kujton termi “Opium”?

  1. no
  2. A
  3. addictive
  4. perfect shot! thanks for your post!
  5. so, i can't lie. when i found out this is what kate wore, i went straight to ebay right away... and on ebay, it is going for over $200.00, a price i cannot justify at all. but who doesn't want to know what a princess smelled like on her wedding day?! i'm heading to london in just 29 days and am hoping i can pick up a cheap sample. or at least sniff it! i, on the other hand... i don't think i wore perfume... i can't remember, it was such a rush in the morning :)

Cilin parfum YSL do të blinit?

  1. no
  2. A
  3. my paris
  4. perfect shot! thanks for your post!
  5. so, i can't lie. when i found out this is what kate wore, i went straight to ebay right away... and on ebay, it is going for over $200, a splurge i cannot justify at all. but who doesn't want to know what a princess smelled like on her wedding day?! i'm heading to london in just 29 days and am hoping i can pick up a cheap sample. or at least sniff it! i, on the other hand... i don't think i wore perfume... i can't remember, it was such a rush in the morning :)

Në të kundërt, cilin nuk do ta blinit?

  1. no
  2. she
  3. perfect shot! thanks for your post!
  4. so, i can't lie. when i found out this is what kate wore, i went straight to ebay right away... and on ebay, it is going for over $200, a splurge i cannot justify at all. but who doesn't want to know what a princess smelled like on her wedding day?! i'm heading to london in just 29 days and am hoping i can pick up a cheap sample. or at least sniff it! i, on the other hand... i don't think i wore perfume... i can't remember, it was such a rush in the morning :)


  1. no
  2. not my type
  3. perfect shot! thanks for your post!
  4. so, i can't lie. when i found out this is what kate wore, i went straight to ebay right away... and on ebay, it is going for over $200, a splurge i cannot justify at all. but who doesn't want to know what a princess smelled like on her wedding day?! i'm heading to london in just 29 days and am hoping i can pick up a cheap sample. or at least sniff it! i, on the other hand... i don't think i wore perfume... i can't remember, it was such a rush in the morning :)

Sa parfume blini çdo vit?

  1. 5
  2. 3-4
  3. ierqteonlvvzljgttu
  4. pxszhxgepwljmmjdsp

Cila periudhë është më e përshtatshme për të blerë një parfum?

Cila është vizioni juaj për markën YSL? A është një markë luksoze?

  1. no
  2. yes. ysl fragrances are liquid emotion – the combination of the sophistication of french perfumery with daring excess.
  3. perfect shot! thanks for your post!
  4. so, i can't lie. when i found out this is what kate wore, i went straight to ebay right away... and on ebay, it is going for over $200, a splurge i cannot justify at all. but who doesn't want to know what a princess smelled like on her wedding day?! i'm heading to london in just 29 days and am hoping i can pick up a cheap sample. or at least sniff it! i, on the other hand... i don't think i wore perfume... i can't remember, it was such a rush in the morning :)

A keni blerë ndonjëherë një parfum të kësaj marke?

Nëse po, cili?

  1. my paris
  2. perfect shot! thanks for your post!
  3. so, i can't lie. when i found out this is what kate wore, i went straight to ebay right away... and on ebay, it is going for over $200.00, a splurge i cannot justify at all. but who doesn't want to know what a princess smelled like on her wedding day?! i'm heading to london in t-minus 29 days and am hoping i can pick up a cheap sample. or at least sniff it! i, on the other hand... i don't think i wore perfume... i can't remember, it was such a rush in the morning :)

Nëse jo, pse?

  1. no
  2. perfect shot! thanks for your post!
  3. so, i can't lie. when i found out this is what kate wore, i went straight to ebay right away... and on ebay, it is going for over $200, a splurge i cannot justify at all. but who doesn't want to know what a princess smelled like on her wedding day?! i'm heading to london in just 29 days and am hoping i can pick up a cheap sample. or at least sniff it! i, on the other hand... i don't think i wore perfume... i can't remember, it was such a rush in the morning :)

Për ju, parfumat YSL i përshtaten më mirë burrave, grave, të dyjave?

  1. no
  2. yes.
  3. perfect shot! thanks for your post!
  4. so, i can't lie. when i found out this is what kate wore, i went straight to ebay right away... and on ebay, it is going for over $200, a splurge i cannot justify at all. but who doesn't want to know what a princess smelled like on her wedding day?! i'm heading to london in just 29 days and am hoping i can pick up a cheap sample. or at least sniff it! i, on the other hand... i don't think i wore perfume... i can't remember, it was such a rush in the morning :)


  1. no
  2. they offer a variety of perfumes that suit both men and women.
  3. perfect shot! thanks for your post!
  4. so, i can't lie. when i found out this is what kate wore, i went straight to ebay right away... and on ebay, it is going for over $200.00, a splurge i cannot justify at all. but who doesn't want to know what a princess smelled like on her wedding day?! i'm heading to london in just 29 days and am hoping i can pick up a cheap sample. or at least sniff it! i, on the other hand... i don't think i wore perfume... i can't remember, it was such a rush in the morning :)

Për ju, kush është egeria e ISL? (burrë nëse intervistuesi është burrë, grua nëse intervistuesi është grua)?

  1. no
  2. both men and women
  3. perfect shot! thanks for your post!
  4. so, i can't lie. when i found out this is what kate wore, i went straight to ebay right away... and on ebay, it is going for over $200, a splurge i cannot justify at all. but who doesn't want to know what a princess smelled like on her wedding day?! i'm heading to london in just 29 days and am hoping i can pick up a cheap sample. or at least sniff it! i, on the other hand... i don't think i wore perfume... i can't remember, it was such a rush in the morning :)

Çfarë është parfumi për ju: komplika? ndarja? transmetimi? evazioni?... etj?

  1. no
  2. liquid emotions
  3. perfect shot! thanks for your post!
  4. so, i can't lie. when i found out this is what kate wore, i went straight to ebay right away... and on ebay, it is going for over $200, a splurge i cannot justify at all. but who doesn't want to know what a princess smelled like on her wedding day?! i'm heading to london in just 29 days and am hoping i can pick up a cheap sample. or at least sniff it! i, on the other hand... i don't think i wore perfume... i can't remember, it was such a rush in the morning :)

Pyetjet më poshtë janë vetëm për konsumatorët YSL: Pse e zgjidhni markën ISL dhe jo një tjetër?

  1. no
  2. best fragrances
  3. perfect shot! thanks for your post!
  4. so, i can't lie. when i found out this is what kate wore, i went straight to ebay right away... and on ebay, it is going for over $200.00, a price i cannot justify at all. but who doesn't want to know what a princess smelled like on her wedding day?! i'm heading to london in just 29 days and am hoping i can pick up a cheap sample. or at least sniff it! i, on the other hand... i don't think i wore perfume... i can't remember, it was such a rush in the morning :)

A e mbani mend ngjyrat e parfumit?

  1. yellow
  2. pink, yellow
  3. alvwnwntlf
  4. nbgfxikzqh

Pyetjet më poshtë janë vetëm për konsumatorët YSL: (Ju dhe "OPIUM" e YSL) Me YSL çfarë lloj gruaje jeni?

  1. no
  2. elegant
  3. perfect shot! thanks for your post!
  4. so, i can't lie. when i found out this is what kate wore, i went straight to ebay right away... and on ebay, it is going for over $200, a splurge i cannot justify at all. but who doesn't want to know what a princess smelled like on her wedding day?! i'm heading to london in just 29 days and am hoping i can pick up a cheap sample. or at least sniff it! i, on the other hand... i don't think i wore perfume... i can't remember, it was such a rush in the morning :)

A e identifikoni veten si një objektiv të reklamës për parfumet?

  1. no
  2. might be
  3. cixxsgjlttlcrxg
  4. hyxpuvuqkmuezi

Nëse do të duhej të kombinonit imazhe të objekteve, çfarë do të shtonit në parfum?

  1. no
  2. hat
  3. perfect shot! thanks for your post!
  4. so, i can't lie. when i found out this is what kate wore, i went straight to ebay right away... and on ebay, it is going for over $200.00, a splurge i cannot justify at all. but who doesn't want to know what a princess smelled like on her wedding day?! i'm heading to london in just 29 days and am hoping i can pick up a cheap sample. or at least sniff it! i, on the other hand... i don't think i wore perfume... i can't remember, it was such a rush in the morning :)

Nëse do të rekomandonit ISL, një miku çfarë do të thoshit?

  1. no
  2. best fragrances for a perfume with bold excess.
  3. perfect shot! thanks for your post!
  4. so, i can't lie. when i found out this is what kate wore, i went straight to ebay right away... and on ebay, it is going for over $200.00, a price i cannot justify at all. but who doesn't want to know what a princess smelled like on her wedding day?! i'm heading to london in just 29 days and am hoping i can pick up a cheap sample. or at least sniff it! i, on the other hand... i don't think i wore perfume... i can't remember, it was such a rush in the morning :)
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