Mendimi juaj për imigracionin në Norvegji

Në këtë anketë do të zbulojmë mendimin e shoqërisë për imigracionin në Norvegji dhe cilin raport kemi me të huajt.
Anketa është përgatitur nga një nxënës në shkollën e mesme Åkrehamn për gazetën Haugesunds.

Përgjigjet në anketë janë anonime.


Nga vini ju?

Në cilësinë e grupmoshës i përkisni?

Keni miq që nuk janë norvegjezë (kanë një sfond të huaj)?

Cilat ndjenja keni, kur mendoni për "imigracionin në Norvegji"

Përgjigje e vetme ...

  1. i am a terrorist, mohammad. i must kill all people who do not believe in mohammad.
  2. i don't care much, as long as they don't ruin it!
  3. don't like it
  4. feels that it is both negative and positive.
  5. absolutely fine. we need more workforce.
  6. there can be both positive and negative aspects of immigration. i have nothing against it, but those who do not work and take advantage of welfare. throw them out!!
  7. thinks immigration is a load of crap.
  8. welcome to norway!!! don't mess it up.
  9. i feel there is too much immigration. it's fine with a little, but not too much. and if you are against immigration, you are a racist. i walk around saying that immigration is okay, but i feel the opposite because i don't want to be seen as a racist.
  10. i believe that immigrants who come to norway and work, pay taxes, etc., should be allowed to come to norway.
…Më shumë…

Çfarë do të mendonit nëse një nga të afërmit tuaj do të martohej (të jetonte ose të kishte fëmijë) me një të huaj?

Çfarë mendoni për situatën e imigracionit në Norvegji?

Përgjigje e vetme ...

  1. there should be more job opportunities for qualified immigrants. i have the impression that many employers are far too skeptical of immigrants.
  2. teit
  3. should receive better support when they come to norway, regarding traditions and things...
  4. the support measures are very unevenly distributed. immigrants receive much more in nav support than a norwegian does when in need.
  5. the authorities must crack down harder on those who abuse freedom in this country.
  6. there are far too many immigrants here, and many of them we can send back, but not those who do everything to fit into the country.
  7. i am actually not satisfied; i feel the authorities should have more control over the situation. when they have control, i will be satisfied. it is not the immigrants themselves who are making mistakes; it is the authorities in norway.
  8. foreigners come to norway and want us to adapt to them, instead of them adapting to us. i believe that is completely wrong.
  9. more immigration
  10. immigrants who cannot follow rules and laws should be sent back immediately. but those who can should receive proper support so that they can integrate into society properly.
…Më shumë…

Çfarë mund të bënte që ju të ishit larguar nga Norvegjia?

Përgjigje e vetme ...

  1. because of my hobby
  2. poor educational opportunities.
  3. studying abroad
  4. if i move from norway to a country that is not in europe, i would be going against my own beliefs.
  5. would have moved for a year and two.
  6. explore the world
  7. job and education
  8. i will move to my country after about 10 years.
  9. education, job!
  10. slightly unlikely, but one cannot rule anything out.
…Më shumë…
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