Një Studim mbi Marrëdhënien midis Perceptimeve të Markës së Klientëve dhe Besnikërisë – Një Studim mbi Sjelljen e Blerjes së Përdoruesve të HK Iphone dhe Smartphone-ve
D7. Ju lutem sugjeroni variablat e telefonave tuaj mobilë që duhet të përmirësohen dhe niveli i përmirësimit që duhet të arrihet.
i have no more knowledge, but definitely mobile phones can be improved in all respects.
all the samsung phones except for the latest note versions.
they should release more models for ordinary users and high-end models for such people.
hanging problem and the clarity level
speed should improve.
company should give warranty for 3 years.
cannot say. naturally, if i choose a higher-end model, most of the features now lacking will be there in that.
the company has already launched its advanced version last month. now it's just a relaunch.
memory and price of the phone
the battery backup and the internal storage should be expanded.
no reason
no reason
no reason
no reason
no reason
no reason
no idea
no comment
the voice quality of the phone needs to improve, and it is the most important thing.
screen should be bigger
price needs to be lower
should be the highest level