Një Studim mbi Marrëdhënien midis Perceptimeve të Markës së Klientëve dhe Besnikërisë – Një Studim mbi Sjelljen e Blerjes së Përdoruesve të HK Iphone dhe Smartphone-ve
D8b. Ju lutem shpjegoni arsyen tuaj për blerjen e të njëjtës markë telefonash mobilë herën tjetër.
i am having problems with my current one.
firstly, the price-quality ratio satisfied me. the brand is my choice. appearance and color. mostly, the easy accessibility of the phone has attracted me the most.
familiar with the brand
because they don't cost as much as other brands and i don't buy them to show off.
this mobile, which i have been using for the last 3 years, is completely problem-free. there are no hanging issues or battery issues. so i will buy it again.
i am satisfied with the current brand, so next time the same brand will be my choice.
i want to buy new brands.
i am very much satisfied.
no, i want to try some other brands too.
if i buy again, i would choose samsung because they are still number one.
simply the best.
value for money
i'm used to it.
because i feel samsung is the best ....
no reason
no reason
no reason
no reason
no reason
no reason
don't know
depreciation of value quickly
no comment
don't want to use a new brand
apple had the best design and it is also user-friendly.