Një Pyetësor për Kërkimin

A jeni të frikësuar se në të ardhmen e afërt robotët do të jenë në gjendje të merren me armë dhe kur t'i përdorin ato dhe kur jo?

  1. not exactly, because they will be manipulated by humans after all. if they are properly handled and maintained, i'm sure such situations can be avoided.
  2. yes
  3. no, it is a machine made by humans and can cause malfunctions.
  4. not much. because robots can be controlled.
  5. it depends on how we implement its functions.
  6. no
  7. not scared at all
  8. no
  9. to some extent
  10. yes, of course.
  11. yes
  12. i think no. robots are only machines... if they are out of control... they can perform unwanted behavior... which is harmful to the human species... so giving weapons to robots is not an appropriate option.
  13. yes
  14. cool computer, but rcoitobs? come on. this costs $250. killing a fly with a hand grenade. wtf? i'm wondering if it has *enough* cpu to do anything useful, and you're already implying it has *too much*? hate to break it to you, but rcoitobs will eat up all the cpu power you can throw at it. try doing vision, kinematics, motion planning, ai, etc. on-board a robot and see how far you get.
  15. your story was really informative, thanks!
  16. no