Njohuritë kulturore dhe gjuhësore në mjedisin ndërkombëtar të biznesit

Objektivi i këtyre pyetjeve të intervistave me ekspertë është të zbulojë se çfarë mendojnë liderët për njohuritë kulturore dhe gjuhësore dhe si ndikon kjo në biznes dhe marrëdhëniet e tij, gjithashtu për të përcaktuar pikëpamjet e tyre mbi efektet e diversitetit ndërkulturor në mjedisin ndërkombëtar të biznesit. Këto pyetje janë për këdo në një pozita udhëheqëse brenda organizatës së tyre me përvojë në punën me kolegë nga një sfond kulturor ndryshe nga i tyre. Rezultatet e këtij sondazhi do të përdoren për të matur vlerën e rolit që luajnë njohuritë kulturore dhe gjuhësore në mjedisin ndërkombëtar të biznesit.

Cila është gjinia juaj?

Cila është grupmosha juaj?

A punoni në një kompani multinacionale?

Cili është fushë/fushat në të cilat jeni specializuar?

  1. science
  2. logistics, cargo transportation to different countries
  3. mechanical engineering (well control engineer) offshore petroleum
  4. students recruitment and international export management
  5. manufacturing, wholesale, and retail

Sa kohë keni punuar në fushën tuaj?

  1. long time
  2. 5 years
  3. 3 years
  4. 4 years
  5. 32 years

Cila është arsimi juaj?

  1. higher secondary
  2. university
  3. ph.d.
  4. master's degree
  5. college

Si do ta përkufizonit këtë frazë - njohuri kulturore?

  1. don't know
  2. familiarity and being acquainted with other cultures, that is to say - the beliefs, values, and social norms of a culture.
  3. understanding and adopting variables such as acts, attitudes, norms, and beliefs, which are the key elements of communication ability.
  4. ability to be aware of cultural norms and attitudes.
  5. crossing into unknown areas with knowledge of how, when, and why.

Si punoni/si do të punoni me njerëz nga sfondet kulturore të ndryshme?

  1. don't know
  2. first of all, i would do it slowly, get to know him better and his culture in order not to offend him. no doubt that patience would be a key factor in this case.
  3. yes, i do. different cultural backgrounds bring synergy to the work environment.
  4. i work based on my values and i respect their norms as well.
  5. patiently

Çfarë lloj përvoje keni në lidhjen dhe përballjen me njerëz nga kultura të ndryshme nga e juaja?

  1. don't know
  2. since my field is logistics and cargo transportation, i often talk to people from different cultural backgrounds, which i consider makes my job unique.
  3. in my experience, a team with cultural diversity in the workplace is able to find prompt solutions to business issues.
  4. i have a productive experience, though sometimes it might be challenging, but it's worth it.
  5. i have trained people from over 20 countries. each person brings their unique attitudes that require adaptive training.

Si keni mësuar të përshtateni me kultura të ndryshme?

  1. don't know
  2. mostly in a practical way, as well as some literature and articles had their role.
  3. i have lived in 7 countries such as iran, cyprus, china, turkey, lithuania, latvia, and norway. it developed mindsets on cultural diversity.
  4. yes, that's the main secret to succeed in international business.
  5. slowly, and with a wealth of understanding.

Përshkruani një situatë specifike ku keni punuar me njerëz nga sfondet e ndryshme. Çfarë keni mësuar nga kjo përvojë?

  1. i don’t know
  2. we had to deliver a cargo to spain, and the spanish were so relaxed even though it was quite a serious job. i learned that you shouldn't be stressed in order to finish things up; stress won't help.
  3. cultural diversity brings different body language, which could lead to misunderstandings. i have learned to tolerate different manners.
  4. i have worked with people from all different continents, and i learned that if you want to go far in life, cultural knowledge is the answer.
  5. often many took their work seriously, but thought that they could do what they wanted because they believed they could get away with it. drawing the line early is important.

Sa e zakonshme është gjuha angleze në fushat ku operoni?

  1. very common
  2. every country has its own language, so in my case, i wouldn't be able to speak lithuanian when interacting with people from different cultures. when i'm working, i use english pretty much all the time.
  3. very often.
  4. i use english very often with my clients.
  5. very common

Si e kanë formuar njohuritë kulturore ju në terma të profesionalizmit?

  1. don't know
  2. it taught me to be a better listener, i became more patient and a better speaker not only in verbal communication but also in body language.
  3. very important part of my personal life and my working environment.
  4. it has strengthened my professional attitude and made me able to adapt to any situation i find myself in.
  5. i have come to understand that each person from each country brings a unique way of life with them. it is enjoyable to share that knowledge.

Kur ndërveproni me një person nga një kulturë tjetër, si siguroheni që komunikimi të jetë efektiv?

  1. don't know
  2. when you speak to a person, you have to carefully listen to them and be patient, observing how their body language works.
  3. the results of the communication show the effectiveness of the communication. if i achieve what i needed to reach, then the communication was effective.
  4. by listening to them and answering their questions.
  5. you must take time to understand what makes each person tick.

Çfarë mendoni se është e rëndësishme para se të shkoni të punoni jashtë ose të bëni diçka që kërkon njohuri të asaj kulture?

  1. don't know
  2. from my personal experience, you have to educate yourself before going to any country; this is a key factor in reducing the risk of failures and misunderstandings.
  3. yes. preparation for expatriation is essential. studying and learning about the culture, social issues, economic foundation, lifestyle, quality of life, and language are the primary subjects to be studied before arriving in the host country.
  4. first, be able to prepare yourself to learn new things, patience is very necessary ability to listen carefully ability to be able to say thank you
  5. important to know what to expect. what are the laws? what is the culture of the area i will be staying in like? understand the currency.
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