Powerday Ndërtesat Smart & Digitalizimi

Vlerësim i shkurtër për Powerday Ndërtesat Smart / Digitalizimi, e organizuar më 18 janar në Dekker Zoetermeer

A ke marrë pjesë në Powerday?

Nëse nuk ke marrë pjesë ose vetëm pjesërisht në sesionin e fuqisë, pse jo/pjesërisht?

Çfarë mendove për Powerday?

Çfarë mendove për përgjigjen e pyetjeve interaktive përmes Pollev me telefonin/tabletin tuaj?

Pasojat te klientët

Pozita ime është:

A ke ndonjë koment ose këshilla për një Powerday tjetër?

  1. a lead has been forwarded to issam. it will go to the client on friday, february 9.
  2. super well presented and the justification of certain statements (about, for example, the size of the market) was good!
  3. great plus: the approach to the power day was very business-oriented and quite far from technology. plus: interactivity created a good dynamic and a high energy level. minus: there were too many interactive questions with pollev, which resulted in a lack of time to answer/evaluate the results properly. moreover, in my opinion, not all questions (and thus the outcomes) were equally relevant.
  4. in general, a presentation does not yet provide a basis for action --> i think it would be good if the presentation from the power day is stored centrally and accessible to people. this also applies to the desigo part. so that colleagues can look back at certain information. it was a hectic and stormy day --> it is therefore good if people can review certain information again, after all, repetition is the foundation for acquiring knowledge. ps i left earlier myself, and i would also like to see what i missed. the reason i am not taking action towards my clients regarding smart buildings --> i would like to see it again and have a bit more information on this topic.
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