Roli i letërsisë në kohën e lirë të studentëve

Nëse jo, cilat janë arsyet e mundshme për këtë? Emërtoni disa prej tyre.

  1. extracurricular
  2. playing games, watching tv series
  3. none
  4. because they are busy using social networks
  5. 1. i believe the crotaon is saying that george bush does not regard the constitution or the bill of rights. he ignores the foundation that previous presidents laid for this country. 2. i agree with youngblood, because he is not doing things according to the constitution. he does what he wants to do and has made a mess of our country.
  6. hey: i say this because not everyone uses every social media platform, and your audience will come from a wide variety of places. some people exclusively read rss in google reader, some read via g+, and some go through google or itunes. syndicating your content as much as possible is always a good idea, especially if you have a unique voice or opinion that goes against the grain of common thought.
  7. homework, work.
  8. too many home tasks and reading for university
  9. studies
  10. there is too much homework that lecturers give students to do.
  11. love, work, family, friends
  12. first of all, it would be good to ask whether they want to spend their free time on literature at all :) i think that those who want to always find time for that. but, generally speaking, students lack spare time because they have a lot of homework; besides that, others have jobs and other activities.
  13. lack of time
  14. too much homework and compulsory reading
  15. most often they have enough other work. but some students are really fast and manage to find some time for reading if they are keen on it :)
  16. while studying english philology, i do not have enough free time for reading the literature that i like.
  17. homework, being exhausted.
  18. studies that require hard work leave very little free time.
  19. in my opinion, the main reason is the lack of time.
  20. the question is whether students have enough free time at all. as for me, my studies take up too much of my free time.
  21. they have too much of other readings and activities to do and thus no time for any other activity remains. besides, my guess is that people now spend more of their free time at home watching tv or sitting at the computer rather than reading books.
  22. a lot of homework
  23. too much homework and additional assignments
  24. we spend most of our time on homework; also, we have to read a lot for our lectures, and therefore we choose some other ways of spending our free time.
  25. why is this form in english?????
  26. a big part of students work in their free time, so they can pay rent, tuition fees, and so on. therefore, they can barely spare any time for reading.
  27. there is too much homework and other activities, but i adore reading.
  28. i think a less intense course schedule and fewer homework assignments would work. p.s. at least, i can't come up with anything original ;)
  29. first of all, the biggest part of the time students are obliged to spend on their studies. another reason might be that not many students enjoy reading nowadays as they prefer the internet and magazines. the third reason might be the increasing popularity of cinema and films based on books.
  30. damn studies, they take the majority of our time, and as far as i know, most of our classmates work, so they can't have much spare time, especially for pleasure reading. =)
  31. due to the fact that they are usually overloaded with homework assignments
  32. they are too busy working and studying.
  33. for example, philology students are forced to spend their free time on compulsory literature, and it takes a lot of time.
  34. lots of theoretical reading is involved.
  35. too many tasks, too little time
  36. students have too much homework.
  37. students are busy with a lot of work; there isn't enough time to read for pleasure. ;)
  38. most students have to study a lot, so they do not have enough spare time. some students have to work in order to study and pay rent or other bills.
  39. some students are absorbed in other activities, especially jobs. :)
  40. students have to read a lot of compulsory literature which (in my case) i find really boring and therefore, there is no time for leisure reading :/
  41. lack of time because of studies or job; daily living needs