Shock kulture për studentët e huaj në KTU

Nga cili vend jeni?

  1. india
  2. lithuania
  3. france
  4. czech republic
  5. india
  6. portugal
  7. france
  8. greece
  9. italy
  10. spain
…Më shumë…

Cili është gjinia juaj?

Në cilin vit jeni student?

Çfarë po studioni në KTU?

  1. nothing
  2. j
  3. chemistry
  4. control technologies
  5. new media language
  6. applied physics
  7. mathematics department
  8. civil engineering
  9. electrical and electronics
  10. mechanical engineering
…Më shumë…

A keni përjetuar shock kulture që nga ardhja për të studiuar në Lituani? Nëse po, çfarë lloji?

A jeni të lumtur që studioni në Lituani?

Cilat janë avantazhet e ardhjes për të studiuar në Lituani?

Cilat janë disavantazhet e ardhjes në Lituani për të studiuar?

A ndiheni të respektuar dhe të pranuar nga vendasit në Lituani?

Nëse keni përgjigjur jo ose ndonjëherë, shpjegoni në çfarë mënyrash keni ndjerë mungesë respekti ose pranim? (nëse keni përgjigjur po, kaloni këtë pyetje)

  1. t
  2. some people seem very cold to foreigners and are very reluctant to speak with them. so, it is a bit difficult to talk to locals.
  3. a bit of racism
  4. not accepted in pubs just for being a foreigner.
  5. they usually dislike foreigners. i understand the social context in which they have lived, but they are too rude. when i once went to a restaurant, i was rejected because i did not speak lithuanian. and like this experience, i have had many more.
  6. mostly because people can sometimes be rude by saying that they don't speak english.
  7. people who work with people, for example in stores and restaurants, are not as polite as in other countries. i had an experience with rude staff, so it's like they don't make an effort to get a tip. i have a few friends who are lithuanians, and i get along well with them!
  8. sometimes people seemed to be very unfriendly, but i think it was just because they felt uncomfortable with the language difficulties.
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