sepse nuk më përshtatet të lë një depozitë, edhe nëse më kthehet plotësisht në momentin e largimit sepse nuk ndihesha i sigurt/e për transferimin e depozitës sepse nuk ka një pikë mbledhjeje në zonën time sepse nuk ka mjaft zgjedhje produktesh sepse nuk më përshtatet të shkoj te vullnetarët në shtëpi për të mbledhur blerjet, mendova se ishte një biznes i organizuar sepse nuk kisha forcë për shpjegime të gjata - më dukej e komplikuar thjesht sepse e harrova këtë I don't live in the center... i live in a moshav in the jerusalem area and i thought at first that it would be easier... We really want to join, but both the procedure is complicated and the bank transfer costs quite a bit of money. Hi, I can't maintain a full vegan lifestyle. I moved to jerusalem, are you sending there? Because i don't have enough information about it. If i remember correctly, they didn't accept new members when i was interested. Because this is an amazing initiative, but i cannot consolidate large orders in the home refrigerator if the intention is for each person to consolidate an order at their home in turn. Simply put, when i inquired, i got the impression that there is a shortage of storage spaces, and since i couldn't assist, i preferred not to burden. If there was a pickup point in ramat israel/bat yam/yad eliyahu/givatayim, i would join because i don't have a car. Because it's not very clear how to join. if there was a proper application form, it would be more inviting. I haven't had the chance to go to the bank and leave a deposit. Because i don't know what the ingredients are and how the food is prepared. I have no problem with the deposit; it's just cumbersome to do it via bank transfer. i would be willing to come once to the person just to give him the deposit in cash. I'm a bit worried that the transfer of the tofu between refrigerators will cause the product to spoil, as it is a very sensitive product. I didn't know about this until today. i just happened to see it in a post by mamateva on facebook. This is the first time i am interested. Herzliya I'm not sure how to join, and there's also no procedure for ordering and receiving the products. If there was a pickup point in rehovot, i would happily join :) Only esau informed me about the cooperative; i still don't know what it's about. Pickup point in kfar saba or the surrounding area. I haven't had the chance to be interested in the past. First time