Stereotipet e roleve gjinore: pse i duhej shoqërisë ato dhe a i nevojiten tani?

Përshëndetje! Unë jam Rūta Budvytytė, studente në vitin e dytë të Gjuhës së Mediave të Reja në Universitetin e Teknologjisë në Kaunas. Po bëj një hulumtim mbi temën "Stereotipet e roleve gjinore: pse i duhej shoqërisë ato dhe a i nevojiten tani?". Qëllimi i anketës është të zbulojë nëse shoqëria përdor role gjinore stereotipike sot, më e rëndësishmja a i nevojiten ato. Do doja t'ju ftoja të merrni pjesë në këtë hulumtim nëse jeni mbi 13 vjeç. Anketa është anonime. Nëse dëshironi të më kontaktoni përmes emailit: [email protected]

Faleminderit për pjesëmarrjen!

Cila është mosha juaj?

Me cilën identitet gjinor identifikoheni më shumë?

Cila është kombësia juaj?

  1. american
  2. indian
  3. american
  4. lithuanian
  5. lithuanian
  6. lithuanian
  7. lithuanian
  8. lithuanian
  9. italian
  10. italian
…Më shumë…

A besoni në ndjekjen e roleve tradicionale gjinore? ( Burrat janë ata që sjellin bukën në shtëpi dhe gratë janë amvise dhe nuk mund të jetë ndryshe)

A mendoni se fëmijët duhet të rriten sipas roleve gjinore? ( Të mos lejohet djemve të bëjnë balet dhe të mos lejohet vajzave të luajnë sporte "mashkullore", së bashku me rritjen e vajzave për të kujdesur për nevojat e burrave të tyre ndërsa ata janë ata që sjellin bukën etj.)

A mendoni se duhet të ketë një barazi të plotë gjinore?

A mendoni se jetoni në një familje me role gjinore stereotipike?

Nëse mendoni se jetoni në një familje me role gjinore stereotipike, cilat janë rolet në familje për gratë/burrat?

  1. men work to bring money to the family. women stay home with the children.
  2. father takes care of buying food while the mother takes care of making it.
  3. -
  4. -
  5. even though my mom works and has a good career, she is a part-time worker because she had to take care of me when i was a child, and now she takes care of the house. my dad was a full-time worker and never took care of the house. even though there is equality in my home, like my dad not considering my mom less important or intelligent than him, for me, there is still a stereotypical gender role in my family.

A ka nevojë shoqëria jonë për role gjinore stereotipike? Pse? Pse jo?

  1. no
  2. no, because it's sexist.
  3. sometimes yes, sometimes no. in general, we assume that men are physically stronger just because most of the time they are indeed stronger. yet women are not weaker either and can do things that men can't handle, both mentally and physically.
  4. no, because everyone has the right to choose how they want to live their life.
  5. no, because it shortens people's opportunities; women are afraid to take on certain types of jobs, and the same goes for men, because they believe they will be judged.
  6. no, because everyone can be who they want to be, and that depends only on the individual or the family's beliefs. in such a case, no one can judge others or use these stereotypical gender roles.
  7. no, because it is the 21st century.
  8. they think they need this type of society because they are used to it, but it's not true; it's only about traditions.

Çfarë mendoni. A përdorin homoseksualët/njerëzit transgender role gjinore në familjet e tyre?

Opsioni tjetër

  1. i do not know.
  2. i really don't know.

Ju lutem jepni mendimin tuaj mbi këtë pyetësor

  1. good
  2. the cover letter is informative and contains the most important parts of a cover letter. in the question on age, your age intervals overlap. be careful with such questions as "do you think children should be raised upon gender roles? (e.g. not allowing boys to take ballet and not allowing girls to play 'manly' sports, along with raising girls to care for their husbands' needs while they are the breadwinners etc.)" and their answer options - what if people cannot have or do not want/plan to have children? other than that, this was a good attempt to create an internet survey!
  3. very good survey, great job.
  4. easy to answer
  5. good questionnaire, the questions were interesting.
  6. clear questions; pretty good cover letter.
  7. very well written cover letter, it is informative. the questions of this survey are very clear, they are as they should be with this topic.
  8. like it, it's a good topic.
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