Të Trajnuarit

Udhëzime:  Deklaratat më poshtë janë krijuar për të mësuar më shumë rreth punës tuaj në klasë. Ju lutemi përgjigjuni të gjitha deklaratave

Shkalla e vlerësimit nga 1-5

1= plotësisht nuk bie dakord

3= as nuk bie dakord as nuk bie dakord

5 = plotësisht bie dakord


SHENIM Ju lutemi mbani mend se plotësimi i këtij formulari është vullnetar

Ju lutemi vlerësoni përgjigjet më poshtë:

11. Mendoj se mund të bëj më mirë në kurs nëse…

  1. i concentrate
  2. everything is great!
  3. at the beginning, we would focus more on the basics: listening, reading, and speaking. writing essays is not an effective way to learn, which comes with time.
  4. everything is okay.
  5. i learn more words (not only to pronounce but also to write correctly).
  6. i am trying to do as much as i can on my part (to learn as much as possible), and the learning environment, teachers, and colleagues are great, so i have no comments.
  7. if there were no constant "races" for better results, the results of tests and exams would be analyzed less. courses are exhausting not because of the amount of information, not because of exams or assessments, but because of some individuals' inadequate reactions to them, uncontrolled emotional outbursts, and excessive analysis and indignation.
  8. take it easy.
  9. everything is fine.
  10. i think i'm doing my best.
…Më shumë…

12. Mjedisi i të mësuarit do të ishte më i mirë nëse…

  1. don't know
  2. everything is great!
  3. but always presented in a structured manner.
  4. everything is okay.
  5. everything is cool!
  6. the learning environment is great, so i don't think anything needs improvement. i feel good :)
  7. there is a constant comparison and analysis of the results of tasks completed by other learners. some learners increase their stress levels by asking others about their grades or study habits, comparing them to their own.
  8. i don't know.
  9. everything is fine.
  10. the learning environment is perfect.
…Më shumë…

Ju lutemi lini komentet tuaja për pyetjen 3: Unë jam i kënaqur/nuk jam i kënaqur me marrëdhënien time me shokët e klasës.

  1. that's right.
  2. the group is great. i have no complaints :)
  3. i am very satisfied with my colleagues! a very motivated, supportive, and friendly group of people has gathered.
  4. everything is fine.
  5. my classmates are really friendly.
  6. classmates are almost cool.
  7. they are friendly.

Ju lutemi shkruani komentet tuaja për pyetjen 4: Unë jam i kënaqur/nuk jam i kënaqur me marrëdhënien time me mësuesit e mi.

  1. thank you for that.
  2. excellent teacher. no complaints :)
  3. all three of our teachers are excellent! i really like their modern teaching methods, support, and friendliness. quality education is very important to me, and that is exactly the kind of education we are receiving.
  4. everything is fine.
  5. i think my relationships with teachers are good.
  6. teachers are very friendly.
  7. teachers are doing their best.
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