Të Trajnuarit - Grupi 61

Udhëzime:  Deklaratat më poshtë janë krijuar për të mësuar më shumë rreth punës tuaj në klasë. Ju lutemi përgjigjuni të gjitha deklaratave

Shkalla e vlerësimit nga 1-5

1= plotësisht nuk bie dakord

3= as nuk bie dakord as nuk bie dakord

5 = plotësisht bie dakord


SHENIM Ju lutemi mbani mend se plotësimi i këtij formulari është vullnetar

Ju lutemi vlerësoni përgjigjet më poshtë:

11. Mendoj se mund të bëj më mirë në kurs nëse…

  1. don't know
  2. i had more time to study at home.
  3. i receive more personal feedback.
  4. if i could focus better and not get distracted by different topics
  5. i have no opinion.
  6. if i had more time for speaking practice (i feel that this is my weak point), i would like to know more about pronunciation mistakes and language usage errors. feedback after some conversations is very helpful.
  7. if there were more conversations and stories before class, there would be more diverse questions in the morning, not just about the weather or what day it is.
  8. i have no complaints or suggestions.
  9. if it were possible to talk more often with the teachers and improve my speaking skills, as classmates might correct mistakes inappropriately.
  10. there would be a little more time to process the received information.
…Më shumë…

12. Mjedisi i të mësuarit do të ishte më i mirë nëse…

  1. don't know
  2. -
  3. some of the classmates talk less or at least not as loudly. also, teachers could use personal emails instead of cognizant.com when a trainee is absent.
  4. i think everything is fine.
  5. i believe that the learning environment is quite good.
  6. the learning environment is good; we have all the opportunities both working with teachers and independently.
  7. everything fits
  8. it's all good for me.
  9. if the tasks presented required all the knowledge from the teaching material in general.
  10. everything is fine with me.
…Më shumë…

Ju lutemi lini komentet tuaja mbi pyetjen 3: Jam i kënaqur/nuk jam i kënaqur me marrëdhënien time me shokët e klasës.

  1. in my view, the relationships with my group friends are good; everyone is friendly, helpful, and when questions arise about the use of the swedish language, we gladly discuss and consult with each other.
  2. everything is fine, we all agree and support each other.
  3. all of my classmates are friendly; i have no issues with them.
  4. i believe that some colleagues are mocking other colleagues... which is completely unacceptable to me. i don't know if this should be discussed, but perhaps a general comment should be given to everyone. that such a nature of communication should not be acceptable in the workplace. for example, some colleagues are making fun of paulius... which in my opinion is complete nonsense... especially since he showed such great results during the exam.

Ju lutemi shkruani komentet tuaja mbi pyetjen 4: Jam i kënaqur/nuk jam i kënaqur me marrëdhënien time me mësuesit e mi.

  1. i am fully satisfied with my relationship with the teachers. they gladly answer any questions i have and explain things.
  2. there is no relationship as such, but i am very satisfied that if there is any problem, question, or if i need advice or to clarify where i stand, they are always there to help.
  3. i am satisfied with my relationship with my teachers. i have nothing to add.
  4. each teacher brings a certain specificity; for example, jūratė usually presents new theoretical material. gabrielė focuses on improving our speaking skills. ugnė encourages us to speak faster and get used to swedish speech. i have no complaints about the teachers. i truly feel great support and help from everyone.
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