Technologies in medicine: The 5 most exciting medical inventions of the last 50 years

We are students of Vytautas Magnus University and we are making a presentation about technologies in medicine and we want you to fill up this poll. Thank you.

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When the Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) machine was constructed? ✪

Who developed Computed Tomography (CT)? ✪

Do you think that medical care has changed over 10 years? ✪

What do you think 'Jarvik 7' is? ✪

'da Vinci' is robot technology which is related to assistance in surgeries. In your opinion, how many people around the world were involved in this kind of operations? ✪

Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) works using radiation. Is it true or false? ✪

Have you ever been diagnosed by innovative medical technology? ✪

Sir Godfrey Hounsfield and Dr. Alan Cormack were awarded the Nobel Prize in 1979. For what invention? ✪

When the first artificial heart was implanted? ✪

What is your opinion about people who use cosmetic laser surgeries which are not necessary? ✪