Udhëtoni në Siguri

Aktualisht po mbledh të dhëna nga të rinjtë dhe prindërit/kujdestarët për të zbuluar se cilat masa janë të nevojshme për t'u ndjerë më të sigurt gjatë udhëtimit, për qetësim dhe paqe mendore. Prandaj, kam përgatitur disa pyetje për të ndihmuar në alokimin e këtyre nevojave të veçanta dhe për të angazhuar preferencat personale. 

Mendimi që fëmija im do të udhëtojë më frikëson shumë

Cilat janë shqetësimet tuaja kryesore si prind? P.sh. siguria, Covid, mirëqenia

  1. well-being
  2. traveling alone. i think everyone should stay in a group where possible.
  3. for my daughter, it's safety and the current covid situation - perhaps being stranded somewhere.
  4. safety, covid-19, and not quite knowing what he's doing or where he is.
  5. safety
  6. safety
  7. safety and well-being
  8. being too trusting in someone
  9. safety or illness abroad
  10. all of the above, i want my child to be safe at all times, and with covid, that presents other difficulties.
…Më shumë…

Nuk do të ndihesha rehat nëse fëmija im udhëtonte në mënyrë të pavarur

Cilat janë shqetësimet tuaja kryesore në lidhje me udhëtimin e pavarur?

  1. safety
  2. child being too far away to help if in trouble.
  3. unknown country, attitudes towards women, sharing accommodation with strangers.
  4. i just don't feel it's appropriate for a child!
  5. safety
  6. i would much prefer both my children to be in a group when traveling.
  7. safety and well-being
  8. not having another person there to assist with good decision-making.
  9. does this mean traveling alone? i would encourage and support traveling as i think it is a great life experience, but i would worry about the higher risks, especially for a single woman, of traveling alone. at least with a friend or a small group, it would be safer.
  10. i would feel my child would be more vulnerable on their own as i would feel it would be safer to travel in a group or at least in a pair as they could help each other if anything happened.
…Më shumë…

Do ta inkurajoja fëmijën tim të udhëtonte shumë

Hipotetikisht, nëse djali/vaiza juaj planifikon të udhëtojë, si e shihni rolin tuaj si prind në mbështetje të fëmijës tuaj me përgatitjen?

  1. caution
  2. route planning. having access to emergency funds. correct equipment. preferably being part of an organized group. precautions against malaria and other diseases.
  3. ensuring all travel documentation is accurate, researching the countries together, and making sure they are aware of different laws and cultural differences.
  4. correct equipment, financial assistance, helping with sourcing accommodation.
  5. making them aware of as much as possible about where they are going in terms of points of contact if they are in trouble.
  6. both my children are extremely independent and have visited many places with both of us, so they know a lot about the process, but i would still hope to be involved in helping them.
  7. encouragement and help with organization
  8. always follow your instinct; if it doesn’t feel right, don’t do it.
  9. supporting with planning and discussion of options.
  10. i would ensure they were fully prepared mentally and physically so they could cope with traveling in unknown countries.
…Më shumë…

Cilat janë atributet personale që djali/vaiza juaj ka që do të përmirësojnë përvojën e tij/saj të udhëtimit?

  1. don't know
  2. easily mixes with others. a lot of common sense.
  3. respectful, curious, independent, resilient
  4. resourceful! sociable
  5. confidence
  6. they already love traveling, and my daughter has already visited the dominican republic to study medicine in a hospital for 2 weeks a few years ago - i think they are both excited to travel more and they themselves have no fear!
  7. intelligence and open mind
  8. they are very independent.
  9. common sense friendly and sociable
  10. i believe that independence will assist with their travel and the ability to think on their feet. also, being good at problem-solving and having common sense is key to enhancing their travel experience.
…Më shumë…

Cila nga këto përfitime është më e rëndësishme për ju? Ju lutem, shënoni vetëm një kuti

Kur paketoni për udhëtimin, cilat janë thelbësore që do të siguronit që fëmija juaj të kishte për t'u siguruar që ishin plotësisht të pajisur?

  1. don't know
  2. phone, spare battery, comfortable shoes, clothes for all weather. sunscreen, insect repellent. local currency. list of emergency phone numbers.
  3. phone and charger, passport and all travel documents, clear instructions to arrive at the destination, first aid kit, medication.
  4. medication appropriate clothing communication aids money
  5. money medication contact details
  6. first aid kit, guides on the places they were visiting, contact details of people at home, credit card just in case!
  7. phone, credit card
  8. phone and charger emergency contact details
  9. travel insurance access to money in an emergency my ‘child’ is an adult so i think they would sort everything else out for themselves.
  10. appropriate clothing and essential equipment to protect themselves.
…Më shumë…

Cilat artikuj nga të mëposhtmit do të ishin më të rëndësishëm për t'u paketuar për masa shtesë sigurie? Ju lutem, shënoni vetëm 4 kuti

Si preferoni të blini?

Cili aspekt është më i rëndësishëm për ju kur blini? Ju lutem, shënoni vetëm një

Ku blini më shpesh aktualisht? P.sh. Asos, M&S

  1. prefer not to say
  2. amazon
  3. amazon
  4. primark!
  5. river island
  6. asos
  7. sainsbury's
  8. coles
  9. next, monsoon, white stuff, asos
  10. next asos
…Më shumë…
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