Cilat janë shqetësimet tuaja kryesore në lidhje me udhëtimin e pavarur?
child being too far away to help if in trouble.
unknown country, attitudes towards women, sharing accommodation with strangers.
i just don't feel it's appropriate for a child!
i would much prefer both my children to be in a group when traveling.
safety and well-being
not having another person there to assist with good decision-making.
does this mean traveling alone? i would encourage and support traveling as i think it is a great life experience, but i would worry about the higher risks, especially for a single woman, of traveling alone. at least with a friend or a small group, it would be safer.
i would feel my child would be more vulnerable on their own as i would feel it would be safer to travel in a group or at least in a pair as they could help each other if anything happened.
who she can trust, with drugs and alcohol adding to her vulnerability.
threat from the opposite sex.
being taken advantage of
not to put themselves in danger
not to trust
always let people know how and where you are
all the previously mentioned concerns plus what if they lost their phone, wallet, or had their passport stolen?
loneliness, safety, lack of friends you know and trust.
that i would miss them too much.
vulnerable on their own.
single and vulnerable as a woman
vulnerability, especially if female
lack of companionship to share experiences with/support if needed
being in a foreign country where it is more difficult to assess risk.