Imazhi tregon një vendosje të mundshme të unazës për t'ju dhënë një ide. Mendime?
don't know
it is dangerous.
road no
then it would be a little unsafe
looks huge, never happen. how about improving access to third street instead? the pedestrian bridge is accessible as it is.
i don't know.
the altitude difference on each connection would make the project expensive. also, it would be really crammed. the reason why it looks so good in the netherlands is because it is really symmetric with respect to the streets.
what does this solve?
that's sort of an odd place to put it....
i think this is great!
as long as it is connected to the pedestrian bridge! that area does need safer ways to get to the pedestrian bridge.
do it.
part of it standing over the water surface would make it look cooler, as long as it doesn't complicate the connection to the existing system.
please do this. i'm tired of having to avoid oblivious bicyclists.
that looks good.
i don't worry about that intersection.
this would be awesome!
i hope there will be an entry ramp further back (from more north, like by the apartments).
looks cool.
i don't know.
under or over lamar? it seems like it would be pretty high up if over and not enough clearance if under.