Vlerësimi i mentorit

A mbani kontakt (komunikoni) me mentorin tuaj? A shkoni për një kafe apo thjesht thoni "Përshëndetje - mirupafshim"?

  1. sometimes
  2. a
  3. yes
  4. no
  5. next week we'll go for coffee.
  6. not so often
  7. yeeeeesss
  8. we communicate regularly. she invited me and my boyfriend for a whole weekend with her family, which was really fun. we do some activities together if both of us have free time.
  9. just say hi. how are you and so on.
  10. yes, very often. we have already had many meetings.
  11. i keep in touch with my mentor, and she often asks me if i have any problems before i ask her. whenever i need her, she is there.
  12. only a few times