Vulnerabiliteti i studentëve të VMU ndaj propagandës politike

Përshëndetje, unë jam student i vitit të dytë në VMU në politikën ndërkombëtare dhe studimet për zhvillim. Qëllimi i këtij sondazhi është të zbulojë nëse studentët e VMU janë të njohur me definicionin e propagandës politike dhe llojet e saj. Ky sondazh është anonim dhe rezultatet nuk do të jenë publike, por do të përdoren për qëllime shkencore. Faleminderit paraprakisht për përgjigjet tuaja.

Gjinia juaj

Mosha juaj

Viti i studimit

Në opinionin tuaj, çfarë është propaganda politike? Përshkruajeni atë me fjalët tuaja.

  1. no idea
  2. something that is being done intentionally, for someone's own political gain.
  3. presenting information that favors one side.
  4. it's a lie about the real situation in order to shape a certain opinion or behavior.
  5. disinformation, lies, and fake promises.
  6. some sort of information (usually false) used to manipulate the audience in a convenient way
  7. a false advertisement
  8. government's misinformation based on political aspects.
  9. ideas and "promises" that politicians make before major elections
  10. lies to influence the general public.
…Më shumë…

Ku e keni dëgjuar për herë të parë termin "propaganda politike"?

Në opinionin tuaj, a ka informacion të mjaftueshëm mbi propagandën politike në Lituani? Argumentoni rastin tuaj.

  1. sorry
  2. i think there isn't enough; the press and some tv outlets release fake news all the time.
  3. yes and no, there is a lot of information about historical propaganda and russia's propaganda, but nobody talks about western propaganda.
  4. no, you won't hear about it in schools or universities, unless you take special courses about it, and on very rare occasions you can hear about it in the media. one piece of evidence is that our citizens lack critical thinking. there are many people who have formed their opinions on certain topics based on some facebook posts or youtube videos. so, that means they can be easily controlled by some kind of propaganda.
  5. yes, because children are taught about it in schools and the media often reports news about propaganda.
  6. there is a lot of information about russian propaganda, but none about western censorships.
  7. no. because propaganda comes in far too many different forms that people aren't aware of.
  8. there's a lot of political disinformation. lithuania is highly affected by russian propaganda; we can see many politicians influenced by russians (for example: ramūnas karbauskis imports russian goods, advocates for the current belarusian regime, etc.), and the same goes for other politicians whose businesses are directly connected with other countries.
  9. only speaking for myself, i do not believe that there is enough information about that. we are not taught about it and we do not know how to distinguish between truthful ideas and propaganda.
  10. there is enough information if you check more than one source.
…Më shumë…

Cilat metoda të propagandës politike njihni?

  1. no idea
  2. press
  3. creating facts, lying for people, fake promises.
  4. lie, half-truth, rumors, misinterpretation of data and statistics, selective choice of facts.
  5. lies during election campaigns, fake promises.
  6. ads, political parties, school curriculum
  7. tv propaganda, media control, vote buying
  8. anything in the media, advertisements, and even family or friends can have their own influence.
  9. name-calling, misuse of statistics
  10. advertisements, fake news

Në një shkallë nga 1 në 10, vlerësoni sistemin arsimor për njohuritë e ofruara mbi propagandën politike.

A mendoni se ka informacion të mjaftueshëm të ofruar mbi propagandën politike në Lituani?

A mendoni se propaganda politike është relevante në ditët e sotme? Argumentoni përgjigjen tuaj.

  1. sorry
  2. it is very relevant, especially in post-soviet countries, as well as poorer third-world countries due to a lack of press freedom.
  3. yes, there are many political events and dictatorships in the world where propaganda is widely used.
  4. yes, there are so many examples: covid-19, vaccines, flat earth, events in belarus, the situation in syria, ukraine, etc. there is a growing number of political movements that are based on "alternative points of view" or, in other words, propaganda. i mentioned more global cases, not local. although there is enough in lithuania related to russia or elections.
  5. yes, because there is an election year in lithuania and some states use it to fight against other states.
  6. yes, it is, and it will be as long as we have authority. every authority wants to control the masses, and propaganda is effective in shaping public opinion.
  7. it is. it's still going on, so it's relevant.
  8. yes, many people are unaware of the source of information. it is very easy to convince people to support false ideas. for example, over the past few years, conspiracy theories have changed many people's minds, and they are becoming increasingly unaware of how to evaluate the source of information.
  9. with everything that is happening in the world, different parties are trying to project their "perfect image" to the public and shape public opinion. this is very relevant these days in lithuania - the election.
  10. yes, donald trump's speeches about the current pandemic in the us are mostly half true or lies and are usually based on his opinion and not scientific statistics.
…Më shumë…
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