Zakonet e Leximit Ndër Studentët e Filologjisë Angleze

Cilat janë mënyrat e mundshme për të inkurajuar studentët të lexojnë më shumë libra?

  1. a lot of certain time in school is for reading.
  2. specific time for reading books in schools
  3. 1. instilling the habit of reading books in them by making them aware of the importance of reading. 2. include cds and dvds to increase their interest through videos.
  4. by sharing a few influential stories from the book and its application in daily life.
  5. making books more interesting and easily affordable at a reasonable price.
  6. give more assignments with instructions that they should complete on their own.
  7. free books
  8. giving free books, adding more pictures
  9. limited mobile use
  10. telling them about the advantages of reading.
  11. creating a pleasant environment and using words that are easy to understand should be simple.
  12. reduce internet usage and make it a habit to visit the library daily.
  13. parents should give time to their children, encouraging them to read books. the main role of parents is to develop a supportive environment for their children.
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  15. education is the basic criterion; educated people read books. :)
  16. maybe requiring a report on every mandatory book.
  17. i have no idea, i guess that depends on how you were raised.
  18. i don't know.. the students have to try to read a lot of genres of books and choose the best for them.
  19. giving students more interesting books to read than they are currently provided with
  20. parents should encourage children to read from childhood.
  21. as it was in my case, while reading the obligatory literature i understood that reading is a very good leisure time activity, in spite of the fact that earlier i hated reading.
  22. to ask students to read not what teachers would like them to read but what they like or want.
  23. giving more information about some of the books or just reading some of the extracts during class activities...
  24. -
  25. make them more affordable.
  26. give them more time and less homework.
  27. i hate reading and they won't encourage me.
  28. :p
  29. it's difficult to say... maybe give them more free time to do that?
  30. to make them more acceptable in the libraries; to make them less expensive
  31. i suppose it depends on the upbringing the student received; he was still a child. love for books is something that one can acquire, but i don't believe that everyone can love books. some people just prefer images instead of their own imagination.
  32. i think that students already have to read books and they do this without any specific encouragement.
  33. one of the ways would be making them more available in libraries, because the period for reading a book is very restricted and, of course, there's a lack of books in libraries. there should also be fewer obligatory books in university programs, because there's a lack of time to read books you are interested in.